Retire on Diversified Double-Digit Income Bryan Perry, Editor ChangeWave The 25% Cash Machine
Rising Inflation Rate 15 year Trend was down until it was broken in 2004 Katrina Spike 12 Month Moving Average 4 Year Trend is up. Beginning a new 15 year Trend? Annual Inflation Rate Linear Regression Trend Line
Low Yield Environment
Typical Fixed Low-Yield Investments Savings Accounts % Money Markets % Certificates of Deposit % U.S. Treasury Securities % Corporate Bonds % Fortune 500 Dividends %
Poster-Child for Dead Dividend Stock Currently paying 4.1% while the stock tanks Saddled with cars inferior to exports Sales artificially boosted by heavy incentives Gigantic pension obligations
30 Dead Dividend Stocks to Sell
A Real High Yield Investment Pays dividends yields of 10% to 20% annual Highly liquid vehicles that can be bought or sold through discount or online brokers Less volatility than the average large cap stock portfolio Drives dividends from cash-flow, not debt payments Pays dividends monthly and/or quarterly
High Yield Investment Vehicles Canadian Royalty Trusts Closed End Funds Convertible Securities Convertible Preferred Stocks Corporate Bonds Equity Linked Securities (ELKS) Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) Preferred Stocks Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Business Development Companies Oil/Shipping Tanker Stocks Grantor Trusts Emerging Market Debt Option Income Funds
The 5 Keys to the 25% Cash Machine High Income Investment Strategy 1.It pays a double-digit yield 2.Its highly diversified 3.Its highly liquid 4.Its flexible 5.It offers upside appreciation with less volatility than common stocks
Eagle Bulk Shipping (EGLE) Vital Statistics Tanker/Shipping Current Price$19.39 Target Price$25 Dividend Yield12.27% Payout Quarterly Pay DateJune 6 Market Cap$696 M
S&P 500 Covered Call (BEP) Vital Statistics Option Income Current Price$20.60 Target Price$23 Dividend Yield10.48% PayoutSemi- Annual Pay Date June 29 Market Cap$358 M
Apollo Investment (AINV) Vital Statistics Business Development Company (BDC) Current Price$18 Target Price:$22 Dividend Yield9.75% FrequencyQuarterly Pay DateMay 27 Market Cap$1.4 B
Building Your Own 25% Cash Machine Portfolio Desire to build income portfolio Look for securities paying yields of 10% to 12% Invest in asset classes with strong fundamentals in pockets of economic strength Rotate in and out of sectors of strength Target capital appreciation of 10% to 15% per year