Training, Education, Employment & Self-Employment Supports to all Goal 1 Support communities and target groups, developing their capacity and creating more sustainable communities. Goal 2 Training, Education, Employment & Self-Employment Supports to all
Goal 1 Community Group Training Training available 2018 - Calendar of dates Available March Governance training and compliance Data controller Training Committee skills training Community profiling Public speaking and networking training Lobby Act Charities Act Equality training Disability Training Funding application support
Community Group Supports Available 2018 Provide Funding Application Support Provide staff to help you carry out community audits and community profiles Community group action plans facilitated 11 disadvantaged small areas in 8 rural towns will have opportunity to apply for SICAP funding (Moate, Castlepollard, Kinnegad, Kilbeggan, Rochfortbridge, Ballynacargy, Raharney/Killucan and Devlin)
Social Enterprise Supports Work with existing social enterprises providing support and funding to support their sustainability. Work with communities/groups considering social enterprise and can support and fund a feasibility study on your social enterprise ideas. Host information and social enterprise training event.
Goal 2 Education, Employment, Enterprise Programmes : SICAP: Available to all individuals’ unemployed, employed, on DSP Payments or not in receipt – basically anyone in need of support DAF: Available to female refugees 16 years and any of their female family members over 16 years PEIL: Available to females not on the live register
Labour Market Supports Employability Courses: Employability skills training in local communities – we come to you CV services- tailored to suit employer’s needs. Training in modules such as: care skills, safe pass, manual handling, accounts, payroll, construction tickets, retail, catering, medical devices, clean room operations, good manufacturing practice and Business Start Up and many other accredited modules One to one interview prep and training Business startup supports, mentoring and training Employer supports: specific skills training for potential new staff, recruitment and interview supports Funding support towards training you wish to take part in
Youth Career advice, ed & training support for young people (16-25 yrs) Career options and planning - Employability skills assessment Create CV, cover letters, application forms - Interview training/ prep Ongoing job application support Links to employers - Inclusion on SICAP skills database Opportunities to take part in our training courses, employer courses e.g. care skills, retail, hospitality, safe pass, HACCP, admin/accounts and funding to take part in external courses Two youth ‘taster courses’ will be delivered in 2018 for early school leavers and youth unemployed
Self-employment Supports One to one business start up supports BTWEA application support Mentoring professional supports Business development course Referrals to LEO, DSP. WCD Business Development Programme is a special SOLAS Community Employment Scheme Available to unemployed people with a self employment idea Runs 1 day per week over 24 weeks
TUS Over 500 people completed TUS placement over past 5 years with over 100 community groups benefiting from the skills of these workers The Tús scheme is an excellent opportunity for community groups to secure a worker for a 12 month period For further information contact Tony McCormack on 044 – 9348571 340 people completed TUS placement over past 3 years with 90+ community groups benefiting from workers The Tús scheme is an excellent opportunity for community groups in Westmeath who are looking for specific work to be carried out to get a worker for at least a year. The types of projects eligible for this scheme include: energy conservation work in homes and community buildings social care of all age groups and people with disabilities caretaking, securing, supervising of community buildings and spaces renovation of community and sporting facilities and sporting spaces work in support of cultural and heritage activities community administration and community event management, coaching for sporting activities For further information contact Tony McCormack on 044 – 9348571
Contacts Goal 1 Linda Joe Quinn Goal 2 Tricia McKenna ljquinn@westcd.ie 0878142059 Goal 2 Tricia McKenna tmckenna@westcd.ie 08604423658 TUS Tony McCormack tmccormack@westcd.ie 044 – 9348571