Thursday 2nd March On Thursday 2nd March, we went to the police headquarters in Winsford. We learnt all about E-Safety and how to stay safe on the internet. Here is what we learnt…
PEGI PEGI- Pan European Gaming Industry. Minecraft age:7 Yik Yak Whatsapp age:16 Snapchat age:13
Who Can You Talk To If You Have Any Online Problems? ▪ Your Parents ▪ Your teachers ▪ Any adult you trust ▪ The NSPCC ▪Child line
What Can We Do To Stay Safer On The Internet? On any apps you have, you can change your privacy settings so they are private ▪Make sure if you do have instagram or snapchat etc, then you have an adults permission to use it Don’t post pictures with your school badge Only follow people you know
What Not To Do And What To Do What to do What not to do ▪Only go on websites ▪ Share pictures of you’ve been told to inappropiate things ▪Make sure you have ▪Share your private permission before you information do something ▪ Delete information that is evidence of bullying
Block It Or Report It If you see something online that you think shouldn’t be on there, then report it or block it. On every website there is a button that says CEOP on it, if you click that then you can report something. This is it…
Some Ideas We Had For The School… We could have a school E-Safety mascot We could have a notice board that has tips to stay safe on the internet A school E-Safety logo A worry box about E-safety, if anyone has bullied you online