Creating a circum-Mars Visual transect using a gradient path tool Colin Ho ASU Mars Space Flight Facility Mentor: Phil Christensen
Objective To create a circum-Mars visual transect Geological perspective Cartographical perspective Possible creation of a robotic rover transect Sub-objective – to create a tool to help optimize that transect based on various parameters Quantitatively find the best path
Method – The gradient tool ASU software tool davinci was used to create a script Algorithm Start at a given point Go to next point based off which adjacent point has the lowest gradient The lowest gradient path running North-South using MOLA elevation data (-4 to -5o E, 288-289o N)
Examples of use Valles Marineris(284.5 to 290E,-2.8 to -5.8 N) MOLA Shaded Relief / Colorized Elevation
Future development In this case, the gradient tool was used to minimize elevation gradient Will be applied to other data sets such as Albedo Mineral Maps Thermal Inertia Etc. Create a path to fit multiple parameters TES Surface Dust (NASA MGS/TES)
Overview This gradient tool will help to quantitatively define the optimal transect based off of various parameters The transect will then be created with high-resolution THEMIS vis images The transect will be the first complete high-resolution transect of another planet THEMIS vis image 18m resolution
Sources Mars Global Data, “” davinci – Main Page. 6-25-07, “” Arizona Space Grant Consortium logos. 8-28-08, “”