TRANSFORMING YOUTH POLICY Slides for working groups Policy analysis and action development tools for managers and projects TOOLBOX 1: Slides for working groups
My Generation URBACT II project This is a resource book for managers and project people working on transforming youth policies and projects in their cities It gives ideas based on the experience of My Generation-project My Generation was an Urbact project started in November 2008 and ended in the Summer 2011. It was a learning network on good practices in connecting to the young generation, to design better youth policies and build tomorrow’s cities with today’s youth. The partners in the project were Antwerp from Belgium, Birmingham, UK, Gdansk, Poland, Glasgow, UK, Gothenburg, Sweden, Patras, Greece, Riga, Latvia, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Valencia, Spain, Warsaw, Poland and Tirgu-Mures, Romania
My Generation URBACT II project A common challenge for many cities is disengagement of a great number of young from local communities, education and employment. This had lead to the deterioration of neighbourhoods, gang-related violence, ethnic strife, rising drop-out rates and high youth unemployment. This complex set of challenges is mirrored by the fragmentation of city policies and efforts trying to deal with the youth issues. The young are often treated as a source of problems and not as partners in the solutions. But My Generation set out to do things differently…
My Generation URBACT II project My Generation has three main messages: Co-creation: We need to move away from treating the young as a “target group” and a source of problems > to having them as genuine partners and co-creators of solutions New ecology of engagement: In order to do that we need to transform our way of engaging with the young. We need to use all forms of action, not only text and speech, but also movement, sound, music, informal skills – creating events using all the senses New ecology of youth policy: we need to move away from fragmented youth policies > to having a comprehensive approach, a connection between the young generations, local communities, education and business
Transforming your ecology of engagement and youth policy What does it mean in practice? Be where the young are – in the streets, in the communities, where the young hang out – you need to reach out Have street smart ambassadors, coaches, role models – of the young themselves Provide activities with a low threshold of engagement – like street dance, football, events Transform your meetings, workshops and events – less lecturing, more co-creation and using all the senses! Tap into the creative potential and informal skills of the young Have experienced professionals to facilitate and help to build on creativity Establish good connections between local, educational and business communities Build a comprehensive youth policy
You need street smart ambassadors, coaches, role models You need to be where the young are – in the streets, in the communities, where the young hang out – you need to reach out Pictures from: ”About You” - Short Comic for the Young about My Generation Ideas in Toolbox 4 You need street smart ambassadors, coaches, role models – of the young themselves
You need activities with a low threshold of engagement – like street football, dance,events
You need to transform your meetings, workshops and events – less lecturing, more co-creation and using all the senses! Pictures from My Generation workshops
You need to tap into the creative potential and informal skills of the young!
You need experienced professionals to facilitate and help to build on creativity Professionals coaching young in My Generation Workhsops
Transforming Youth Policy with YOUTH POLICY CITYSCAPE Youth Policy CITYSCAPE is a tool to explore and develop policies and inclusive action with the young It provides a quick synoptic view of the overall coverage of policies and practices
CITYSCAPE has three areas: Outreach = Transforming measures and policies addressing those ”hard to reach” Education = Transforming education to address better individual needs and tap better into informal learning Transition to Working Life = Transforming connections and transition to working life All areas are needed – and they need to be connected!
The CITYSCAPE has an ”underground” and a world above Underground: Informal learning = spontaneous, ”life-based” learning and skills development Above: Formal education = Learning and skills development in different educational institutions We need both: tapping into informal skills and connecting this to formal education
there are active transitions In CITYSCAPE there are active transitions From disengagement… via co-creation and mediation to self reliance From disengagement.. ..via co-creation..… …to self reliance Pictures from: ”About You” - Short Comic for the Young about My Generation Ideas in Toolbox 4
ACTIVE TRANSITIONS IN THE LANDSCAPE TRANSFORMING EDUCATION AND CAPABILITY BUILDING ”Above”: Formal education TRANSFORMING TRANSITION TO WORKING LIFE TRANSFORMING OUTREACH ”Underground”: Informal“, Life based learning From inactivity and exclusion via mediation and co-creation…… …to active life and self reliance
Key Questions in YOUTH POLICY CITYSCAPE The most important question to be asked is: Are we really co-creating with the young? Do we have good practice(s) in Outreach, i.e. reaching out to the disengaged? Are we also tapping into the informal skills of the young? Find out what they can! Build on it! Are we connected to the working life and the business community? Get the business community to tell what they need! Are we covering the transitions from Outreach to Education and from Education to Employment? Do we have the next steps in place? Do we have follow-up to secure our results? Do we have facilitators and coaches following up the situation well beyond the very first steps? Are we covering the whole CITYSCAPE? Do we have good partnerships and practices in Outreach –Education –and in connecting to Employment?
YOUTH POLICY CITYSCAPE and key questions: 7. Are we covering the whole cityscape? 3. Are we tapping also into informal skills of the young? 4. Are we connected to the needs of working life? 2. Do we have good practice in outreach? Transforming Education Transforming connection to employment TransformingOutreach 1. Are we really co-creating with the young? 6. Do we have follow-up to secure transitions? 5. Are we covering the transitions”? From disengagement.. ..via co-creation..… …to self reliance
Examples from My Generation and beyond… Street Games and World Worth Living from Birmingham Community Schools and events in Rotterdam and elsewhere... Youth Competence Centres, young role models, one-stop-shops and meeting places of Antwerp, Patras, Tirgu-Mures, Gdansk and others… C-stick (CV on C-stick + database in network) in Antwerp Voluntary work cooperation in Riga and elsewhere… Hi5 and Dynamic Duos – young mediators and coaches in Rotterdam Young Business Incubators in schools, Chambers of Commerce providing coaching for young business, young entrepreneur promotion in Gothenburg, Rotterdam and Valencia Youth Mayors and Youth Councils in rotterdam, Warsaw and others… Comprehensive cooperation partnerships in Glasgow
Look into other My Generation Toolboxes: Need further ideas? Look into other My Generation Toolboxes: Toolbox 2: Transforming Youth Policy – working material for exploring the CITYSCAPE Toolbox 3: Transforming Youth Policy – Ideas for Managers and Decision Makers Toolbox 4: ”About You” – Short Comic for the Young about My Generation Ideas My Generation material, see :