Variations in the composition of mottle patterns. Variations in the composition of mottle patterns. (A) Small splotches of expanded dark chromatophores; in these patterns the number and size of light and dark splotches are roughly equal. (B) Medium-sized splotches of mottle in which the dark patches are more irregular and larger; note that there can be a `streaky' appearance to some mottles when the white leucophores on the mantle stripes are shown. (C) Large splotches of mottle in which distinctive dark patches are shown. In this photograph, the four sets of Paired mantle spots (Hanlon and Messenger, 1988) that surround the White square are expressed. Scale bars, 5 mm. Chuan-Chin Chiao et al. J Exp Biol 2010;213:187-199 © 2010.