State of play of Urban Audit


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Presentation transcript:

State of play of Urban Audit Teodora Brandmüller Eurostat E4 Sept 2010

Key tasks 2010 2011 Actions Identification of variables Compilation of variables for the 2008 ANNUAL Urban Audit Compilation of variables for the EXHAUSTIVE Urban Audit Compilation of variables for the Large City Audit Compile an interim operational report Compilation of variables for the 2009 ANNUAL Urban Audit Participate in the quality control of variables Participate in the quality control of indicators Compilation of maps Compile a final operational report

Delivery of statistical data

Delivery of data The electronic Data files Administration and Management Information System (eDAMIS) proved to be a very effective data received up to 15 September have been imported The use of eDAMIS is compulsory Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Data transfer – 350 files received Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Common mistakes Coding errors The value field should only contain numbers. It should not contain any other explanations. The numbers within the value field should not be specially formatted (e.g. 1000 separator format) Do not insert manually any comma, spaces or equivalent. If the number contains alphanumerical characters it will be interpreted as text. It will be interpreted as NA and any former value for the defined record will be deleted and therefore lost within the database! Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Quality assurance

Quality assurance Editing phase, i.e. definition of control procedures for detecting inconsistencies in data; Error localisation phase, i.e. application of checks and identification of values that fail the checks; Review phase, i.e. values failing the checks are sent to NUACs to be corrected or validated. Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Checks carried out Multivariate variable check More than 150 control algorithms are defined Male Resident Population + Female Resident Population = Total Resident Population Univariate checks spatial hierarchy roll-up 200 control algorithms are defined Indicator checks Outlier detection 550 control algorithms are defined Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Quality assurance of maps

Delivery of maps GISCO team started to check, correct and update the maps for all spatial units used in the Urban Audit. The results of these efforts were compiled in the URBAN AUDIT MAPS validation report. Due to a lack of resources, these reports were prepared only for 15 Member States Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Reports prepared BE  FR MT FI BG IE NL SE CZ IT AT UK DK CY PL CH DE LV PT NO EE LT RO TR EL LU SI ES HU SK Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Peer review

Quality assurance PLAN DO ACT CHECK Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Why a peer review? Peer Review = key component of Eurostat's overall Quality Assurance Framework Involves an expert who has relevant technical expertise but does not belong to the production unit. Brings an independent view to the assessment process Provides greater objectivity and credibility to the final result Three parties involved: the production unit, the peer reviewer and the Eurostat Quality Unit For the Urban Audit: Paul Vickers (ONS) = peer reviewer Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Steps of a Peer Review (and timing in months) Peer reviewer chosen and confirmed t All relevant documents sent to peer reviewer by production unit, including a large filled-in Peer Review questionnaire t+1 First peer review meeting t+2 Draft first peer review by quality unit t+3 Second and final meeting t+4 Completion of final peer review report t+5 Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Our hobby: Using the Urban Audit figures

Old age dependency ratio 20% Dublin Old age dependency ratio 20% Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Old age dependency ratio 40% Budapest, XVI. District Old age dependency ratio 40% Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Number of live birth per 1000 inhabitants: 8.6 Berlin Number of live birth per 1000 inhabitants: 8.6 Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Number of live birth per 1000 inhabitants: 16.1 København Number of live birth per 1000 inhabitants: 16.1 Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Old age dependancy ratio, 2004 Sept 2010 May 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Old age dependancy ratio, 2004 Sept 2010 May 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Old age dependancy ratio, 2004 Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Milano 1991 1996 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Madrid 1991 1996 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Sept 2010 State of play Urban Audit

Thank you for your attention! Sept 2010