Germany Thomas Nehring Better regulation unit Federal Chancellery
What have we done so far? Legal/political basis for SCM: November 2005: Coalition Treaty between SPD and CDU: political commitment to tackle red tape arising for companies, citizens and administration (top priority) April 2006: Cabinet Decision - Centralized approach (Coordinator + Better Regulation Unit in the Federal Chancellery / Political Coordination via State Secretaries’ Committee from all ministries) - Implementation of SCM (Dutch example / internat. standards) - Installation of an independent “Regulatory Control Council” February 2007: Cabinet Decision National Reduction Target: 25% until 2011 2
What have we done so far? The “tools”: in 2006: publication of the German SCM manual, accompanied by training courses for staff members in the ministries development of an ICT-based entry form by the Statistical Office for “mapping” IO development of a database by the Statistical Office (collecting and storing of all data in relation to SCM, e.g. details of IO, results of measurements, information coming from stakeholders) in 2007: publication of an “ex ante” manual (SCM as a new part of RIA) 3
What have we done so far? Methodology for citizens: Starting measurements after the conclusion of measurements of AB for business The measurement of IO of citizens is governed by the same guidelines as the measurement of IO of business Ministries were free to include IO for citizens in the mapping process for IO of business (more than 2.500 IO in database so far) For citizens, only a time variable is determined, not a tariff. That means: burdens will be expressed in hours, not in Euro. 4
What have we done so far? Methodology for citizens: IO addressed to natural persons and not to business or administration are IO incumbent upon citizens. If a natural person is an entrepreneur, those IO addressed to the person in her/his capacity as an entrepreneur are IO of business For “ex ante” assessments the IO for citizens need only to be identified and described as a minimum requirement. The burden associated with these information obligations is only to be quantified if an adequate estimate can be made with reasonable effort. 5
ex post ex ante state of play The players Ministries all drafts results of measurements Ministries acceptance of results comments Discussing reduction prop. Federal Statistical Office Regulatory Control Council Better regulation unit drafts; if necessary with comments annual report (results, reduction measures/plans, timetable etc.) Parliament annual report (method; comment on gov. report) annual report (method; comment on gov. report) 6
Lessons and challenges Only a few IO cause a lion‘s share of the burdens (Pareto principle) Mapping: due to preliminary works, all IO for citizens should be identified (completion of the database). Measuring: Shall we tackle all these IO (making the process comparable to the line followed for business) or concentrate on - IO causing the highest costs? - the most burdensome IO for particular target groups? - the most irritating IO? 7
Lessons and challenges Federalism: Implementation of Federal provisions on lower levels cause new IO or accumulate the burdens at the level of addressees Identify „cause-and-effect-chains“ in regulation: which level is responsible for which admin burdens? Contribution of the „Länder“ and the municipalities is essential to get the „right“ data (e.g. number of citizens) and define target groups. 8
Lessons and challenges Results of Measurements have to be accepted by the ministries and the addressees. Otherwise they would be useless for discussion about reduction measures. Organisation of measurements has to connect know-how from ministries, stakeholders and third parties ensure the transparency of the results avoid discussion about „social standards“ take into account public expectations 9
Outlook first government annual report on the use of SCM in october 2007. Therein: Cabinet agreed to analyse the IO incumbent on citizens and to work with all public institutions on the development of a strategy for reducing the burdens as a further step. measurements in progress (IO of business) are still top priority and must not be delayed by preparation for citizens (expectations of companies !) main decisions to be made for „kick off“ within the next weeks: which IO incumbent on citizens should be mapped? which IO should be measured? with which IO/policy area should we start? 10
Expectations of learning group: Is SCM an appropriate method to tackle admin burdens for citizens (experiences of front-runners)? Is a full baseline measurement needful? Should we identify special target groups? How? Is it helpful to identify “life events” ? Which? Should we combine quantitative (SCM) and qualitative approaches (irritations)? How can we identify the most irritating IO? How can we communicate simplification measures regarding expectations of citizens (measures have to be noticeable) Please indicate in a 5 or 6 points: What do you expect to learn from the participation in the learning group and what kind of results do you expect? 11