EMHUA The "New season" and "New Rules” Andy Barnes EMHUA Chief Coach 1
EMHUA Rule Books distributed to all Members Rule 4.2 Size of player Hand protection has been updated. Rule 9.16 Penalties defined following game interference of discarded equipment at a PC Rule 13.2 incorporates the guidance already used for the last season on free hits to attack in the 23m and within 5m of circle. HOCKEY HUB 2
EMHUA Rule 7 Ball unintentional ball over back line off a defender.No reference is made to this being a “Corner” or indeed “long corner” - It is now essentially a free hit on the 23m line. Signal change (see P 49) Using left or right arm as appropriate, with arm well below shoulder level draw an imaginary line from the point the ball crossed the back line to the point on the 23 metres line for the restart. 3
What is a CUD and how do I become one? EMHUA What is a CUD and how do I become one? Andy Barnes EMHUA Chief Coach 4
EMHUA Club Umpire Developer First step on ladder of Umpire Coaching Demand for Umpires never drops Clubs can take more ownership of better developing internally identified talent and build up a bigger and better pool of club umpires 6
EMHUA HUA will develop partnership with clubs with opportunity to further develop the umpires. What is the Process ? A Club Umpire Developer Meeting Who should attend Any club umpire or Panel Umpire that wants to be given skills to improve other umpires. ANYONE! 7
EMHUA What does the CUD course deliver Understand the role of the umpire developer Understand the key skills and knowledge required of an umpire developer Understand the pre, during and post match requirements of an umpire developer Recognise what good umpiring looks like Be able to provide effective verbal feedback Be familiar with the club umpire feedback form Evening Meeting proposed for November 2017 in East Midlands 3 Hours long FREE TO MEMBERS & CLUB UMPIRES 8