FALL OF ICARUS John Tsimpouris ST2’
Icarus was ,in Greek Mythology, Dedalu’s son. WHO WAS ICARUS? Icarus was ,in Greek Mythology, Dedalu’s son.
His purpose was to imprison Minotauros. Why icarus was in crete? His father had to build a labyrinth, that Minoas, the king of Crete, wanted. His purpose was to imprison Minotauros.
how icarus died? A day, Minoas quarreled with Dedalus and imprisoned him with his son, inside the labyrinth. Dedalus made wings by wax, for him and Icarus and they flew out of labyrinth. When they reached an island in Greece, Icarus flew very high and the wax melted, from sun. He dived and he drowned. That sea was named, after him, Icarius Pelagos and the island also was named Icaria.