New American Diplomacy Chapter 17 Section 3
Election of 1900 McKinley wins reelection for Republicans Teddy Roosevelt b/c VP September 6, 1901 – McKinley assassinated In Buffalo, NY by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist Anarchist – opposes all forms of govt. Teddy b/c president Republicans not happy They only picked him as VP b/c of his heroic war record
President Roosevelt Accepted Anglo-Saxonism The US had the duty to shape the “less civilized” corners of the earth Wants the US to be a world power b/l in a strong military presence Make nations think twice b/f messing w/ the US Promote global peace “Speak softly and carry a big stick” (the “big stick” policy)
American Empire By 1900 the US was a major power in Asia w/ naval bases all across the Pacific The US Navy was now the 3rd largest power in the world The US primarily interest in Asia was commerce The vast Chinese markets excited American business leaders
A Japanese Empire 1894 – war erupts in b/w China and Japan over Korea Korea was part of the Chinese empire Japan easily defeated China In the peace treaty China Granted Korea independence Gave Japan territory in Manchuria Showed that Japan was now westernized and industrialized
Russian Domination Russians b/c worried They don’t want Japan to get Manchurian territory b/c it borders Russia Russia forces Japan to give the Manchurian territory back to China France and Germany helps Russia do this 1898 – Russia demands that China lease the territory to Russia France, Germany, and Britain demand leaseholds as well
Leasing the Land Now Russia, Germany, France, and Britain have leaseholds in China Each leasehold b/c a sphere of influence The foreign nation controlled economic development These events greatly worried the US McKinley (and later Roosevelt) b/g to support the Open Door Policy
The Open Door Policy Open Door Policy – all countries should be allowed to trade w/ China 1899 – US sends notes asking countries w/ leaseholds in China not to discriminate against other nations that want to do business w/ the Chinese inside each leasehold The powers agreed – as long as all the other powers did so as well
The Boxer Rebellion Secret Chinese societies b/g organizing to get rid of foreign control in their country One group was known as the Boxers 1900 – the Boxers rose up to wipe out “foreign devils” and their Christian converts They b/l these people to be corrupting Chinese society August 1900 – international force, including US troops, stepped in & ended the rebellion
US Steps In 1905 – Roosevelt steps in to help negotiate peace b/w Japan and Russia in their war regarding China He convinces the Russians to recognize Japan’s territorial gains He persuades the Japanese to stop fighting and to seek no further territory 1906 – Roosevelt wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the war
Tensions Build Relations b/w the US and Japan steadily got worse Both nations wanted greater influence in Asia They held each other in check w/ a series of agreements Respect each other’s territorial possessions Uphold the Open Door policy Support China’s independence
Great White Fleet 1907 – Teddy sends 16 battleships of the US Navy around the world to showoff US military strength Known as the “Great White Fleet” The fleet made a stop in Japan To demonstrate that the US could and would uphold its interests in Asia Makes relations even worse
The Panama Canal Panama was part of Colombia 1903 – US offered Colombia… $10 million and a yearly rent of $250,000 This payment was for the right to construct the canal and to control a narrow strip of land on either side of the canal Colombian govt. refuses They don’t want to lose control of Panama and considered the price too low
The Panama Canal Panamanians feared losing the commercial benefits of the canal Panamanians revolt and declare independence from Colombia US recognizes their independence W/i two weeks the nations sign a treaty allowing the canal to be built
The Roosevelt Corollary 1904 – in an address to Congress Teddy defined the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine US will intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary to maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere Latin American nations resented the growing American influence, but could do nothing about it