E. Garutti - Main Meeting Xmas cosmic run 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
The Xmas Run Xmas run started on the 23rd Dec. till Mon. the 9th Connected: Module #4, #5, #6 Monitoring side (only for Module #5): 3 LED driven with prototype LED driver, steered by DAQ + 3 PIN diodes r/o on prototype preamp. boards (Ivo) In addition 16 ECAL slabs were connected and “partially” in operation trigger distribution problems + high leakage current Cosmic trigger: coincidence of 2 30x40 cm2 scint. plates ~1m apart 05/01/06
E. Garutti - Main Meeting VFE electronic side 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
Monitoring System side 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
E. Garutti - Main Meeting 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
Run report Electronics: VFE: working fine No unexpected DAC losses CRC: warning! Too many FE with problems 1 prototype CRC back to Paul for debug we have: 2 ECAL prototypes and 1 HCAL serial production Slow control: Working fine! HV stable ~ 2 C day/night temperature fluctuation + T-jump when opening the tent door 05/01/06
E. Garutti - Main Meeting 24 23 22 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
Data taking First run on dCache: Dec 25 16:46 Run110931.bin The data taking loop: 2.1 Gby (300k ev) in ~15h: 2560 cosmics + 512 LED + 256 ped 0.4 Gby (80k ev) in ~20 min: 17 steps saturation curve calib. mode + 4 steps gain calib. 0.3 Gby (50k ev) in ~15 min: 42 steps saturation curve phys. Mode Week 1) due to a “bug” in the DAQ ~350 runs collected, mainly calibration Week 2) bug fix ~40 runs collected with correct loop (~3Gby / day) ~ 3 Mev cosmics + plenty of calibration data All runs copied to dCache and converted to LCIO Event size: 4 byte/ev/chan (.bin) 2 byte/ev/chan (.slcio) + database 05/01/06
E. Garutti - Main Meeting the event display from Marius 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
E. Garutti - Main Meeting First look at the MIP no cuts cut on minimum E deposited in other two layers Cosmics direction 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting from Hendrik
E. Garutti - Main Meeting 18 SiPM connected to LED 7 19/01/06 from Nanda E. Garutti - Main Meeting
First look at gain stability from Beni runs taken on a period of ~ 2 weeks 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
E. Garutti - Main Meeting Long Discharge Update At the closing of the modules / before connecting VFE electronics: Mod 4: 5/0 , 2/15 Mod 5: 11/3 Mod 6: 11/0, 0/5 After connecting VFE electronics (and during 2 weeks of operation): Mod 6: 11/0, 0/5 new: 3/13 After Xmas run (2 weeks of operation): Mod 5: 11/3 new: 3/10, 11/8 (?) Mod 6: 11/0, 3/13, 0/5 new: 1/10 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting
E. Garutti - Main Meeting Outlook Plenty of data to be analyzed Software for analysis and calibration is under development Last week changed to new / ”final” DAQ version for test beam Large part of code & online display has to be rewritten April combined test beam @ DESY with ECAL + few HCAL modules Upgrade the cosmic setup to host more modules Simulation of prototype in the new MOKKA framework and with correct geometry is still missing 19/01/06 E. Garutti - Main Meeting