Figure 1 Aggregate Brand-Switching (Transition) Matrix purchased at time t Brand purchased at time t+1 A B C D A B C D 148 26 20 6 22 41 53 9 21 46 41 17 9 12 11 18 200 125 125 50 200 125 50 500
Expected Frequencies Brand purchased at time t-1 A B C D 80 50 50 20 200 50 31.25 31.25 12.5 125 25 12.5 12.5 5 50 200 125 125 50 500
Residuals (o-e) Brand purchased at time t-1 Brand purchased at time t A B C D 68 -24 -30 -14 -28 9.75 21.75 -3.5 -29 14.75 9.75 4.5 -11 -.5 -1.5 13
Standardized Residuals (o-e)/(e) Brand purchased at time t-1 Brand purchased at time t A B C D A B C D 7.603 -3.394 -4.243 -3.130 -3.960 1.744 3.891 -.990 -4.101 2.639 1.744 1.273 -2.460 -.141 -.424 5.814 now differential mkt shares have been factored out ...providing a purer test of loyalty and switching