STAR Star Typists Are Ready, Responsible, & Racing
NEW Line-Up Rule Sign out your computer Place head sets on the black box Push chair in Stand by your chair responsibly I will dismiss you to the hallway when ready
READY Enter the computer lab quietly and sit at your assigned computer station Track the teacher Listen or Read for the instructions of the day. Sign in and out when asked Raise your hand to ask questions
RESPONSIBLE Class Behavior Good Attitude On task Voice level control Respect others Respect equipment Help others as necessary Try to problem solve own computer issues Print only with teacher’s permission
RESPONSIBLE Proper Keyboarding Position Good posture Sit up straight Feet flat on the floor Fingers curved Fingers on Home Row Wrists up and not resting on table Elbows naturally at your side EYES ON MONITOR
Racing 1. Reaching the grade level goal for the year Kindergarten: Reaching the moon on Keyboard Climber Grade 1: Memorizing finger positions for Home Row Grade 2: Completing all levels of Dance Mat Typing Grade 3: Type to Learn 4, 10 wpm/ 90% accuracy Grade 4: Typing Club, 15 wpm/ 90% accuracy Grade 5: Typing.com, 20 wpm/ 90% accuracy 2. Using proper keyboarding position and having eyes on the monitor
Golden Mouse Criteria Grades K-5 Come into the computer lab quietly and be ready to track the teacher. Sign in and out correctly when signaled (lights will be dimmed) or when verbal instruction is given Be respectful of others and equipment Have a good attitude Leave your computer station the way you found it Print only with teacher’s approval