GREE-SC Project Flow Engineering: Using OpenFlow with QoS for Network Traffic Fatma Alali Sujoy Saha Mehdi Mohammadi Yimeng Zhao May 30, 2015
Content Introduction Resources and Experiment Setup Experiment Results Problem Statement Proposed Approach Experiment Scenario Resources and Experiment Setup Experiment Results Live Demo /17
Problem Statement Mix of large-sized high-rate (elephant) flows and delay-sensitive flows in real networks Alpha flows have adverse affect on the delay-sensitive flows How can we prevent bad effect of Alpha flows on other flows while maintaining alpha flows in their high throughput. /17
Proposed Approach Assumption: The sources of different flows are identified i.e. some hosts produces alpha flow and some others generate non-alpha flow. Solution: Create two separate queues for each flow with a fair scheduling mechanism Alpha flows will be moved to their own separate queue in the switch so that delay-sensitive flows will not be affected /17
Experiment Design To host 4 Ryu High bandwidth for elephant flows and least jitter for delay-sensitive flows queue0 queue1 eth3 OVS eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3 UDP ping nuttcp Host 1 eth1 Host 2 eth1 Host 3 eth1 eth1 Host 4 /17
Experiment Design /17
Used Resources and Tools Kentucky PortoGENI OpenVSwitch Ryu Controller Tools: Linux tools and commands including ssh, tc, curl, nuttcp,… /17
Experiment Set-up All the traffic will be directed to Host 4 Create two queues at eth3 of the OVS node (eth3 is where host 4 is connected) Host 1: Run ping test for 200 s Host 2: Run UDP test (300Mbps) at time 50 and let it run for 150s Host 3: Run nuttcp TCP test at time 100 and let it run for 100 s 200 50 100 Ping H1->H 4 UDP H1->H 4 Nuttcp H1->H 4 8 /17
Experiment Set-up The NIC rate is 1G 1 queue with FIFO scheduler 2 queues with different schedulers and rate: HTB: (70%,30%), (60%,40%), (50%,50%) HTB + SFQ: (70%,30%), (60%,40%), (50%,50%) /17
Experiment Results /17
Experiment Results /17
Experiment Results /17
bandwidth percentage to elephant flow (elephant, other) Experiment Results Measurment bandwidth percentage to elephant flow (elephant, other) (70%,30%) (60%,40%) (50%,50%) HTB_mean (ms) 15.2934 2.6587 2.1428 HTB_std 18.7336 2.5702 1.9665 HTB+SFQ_mean (ms) 1.566 1.6524 1.6457 HTB+SFQ_std 1.3698 1.502 1.4902 /17
Conclusion Our experiment confirms that Alpha flows increase the jitter of delay-sensitive flows With two queues with HTB+SFQ combination we can get good throughput for elephant flows with less jitter for delay- sensitive flows. /17
Future Work Tuning the queuing method to find the optimum configuration. Dynamic identifying of elephant flows and handling with desired QoS support Investigate the effect of different scheduling algorithms on the throughput of the network /17
References Yan, Zhenzhen, Malathi Veeraraghavan, Chris Tracy, and Chin Guok. "On how to provision Quality of Service (QoS) for large dataset transfers." In CTRQ 2013, The Sixth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service, pp. 13-21. 2013. /17
Live Demo To be presented /17