More Intel machine language and one more look at other architectures
Data manipulation instructions Includes: add, sub, cmp, and, or, not First operand is a register; second may require memory fetch Takes 8-17 clock cycles, as described on next slide
Data manipulation instructions 1.Fetch instruction (1) 2.Update IP (1) 3.Decode (1) 4.If required fetch operand from memory if [BX] mode: (0) if [xxxx], [xxxx+ BX] or xxxx & address is even: (1) if xxxx & address odd: (2) 5.If required, update IP to point beyond operand (0-1)
Data manipulation instructions 6.Compute address of operand if not [BX] or [xxxx+BX]: (0) if [BX]: (1) if [xxxx+BX]: (2) 7.Get value of operand & send to ALU if constant: (0) if register: (1) if word-aligned RAM: (2) if odd-addressed RAM: (3)
Data manipulation instructions 8.Fetch value of first operand (register) & send to ALU (1) 9.Perform operation (1) 10.Store result in 1 st operand (register) (1)
Data movement operation with RAM destination Takes 5-11 clock cycles As with most instructions, the variation is due to the number of memory fetches that may be required during execution
MOV memory location, register 1.Fetch instruction (1) 2.Update IP to point to next byte (1) 3.Decode instruction 4.If required, fetch operand from memory (0-2) 5.If required, update IP to point beyond operand (0-1: 0 if no operand) 6.Compute opened address, if necessary (0-2) 7.Get value (of register) to store (1) 8.Store fetched value into destination (1-3)
Fetch/execute cycle & pipelining In the examples weve looked at this far, an underlying theme has been the use of one or more clock cycles per instruction, with additional cycles necessary to control details within certain steps Modern CPUs break the fetch/execute cycle into smaller steps, some of which can be performed in parallel, speeding up execution This method of overlapping instructions is called pipelining
Pipelining We can break the fetch/execute cycle into 6 general steps: –Fetch instruction –Decode –Calculate operand address(es) –Fetch operands –Execute instruction –Store result Each step can be considered a pipeline stage; goal is to balance time taken by each stage, so that slower ports of process dont bog down faster parts
Standard von Neumann model vs. pipelining Source:
Pipelining issues Although not all instructions require every stage of pipeline (e.g. no operand) all instructions proceed through all stages Pipeline conflicts: –resource conflicts –data dependencies –conditional branch statements
Intel & pipelining were single-stage pipeline architectures Pentium: 2 five-stage pipelines –Pentium II increased to 12 (mostly for MMX) –Pentium III: 14 –Pentium IV: 24
MIPS: a RISC architecture Little-endian Word-addressable Fixed-length instructions Load-store architecture: –only LOAD & store operations have RAM access –all other instructions must have register operands –requires large register set 5 or 8 stage pipelining
One more architecture: the Java Virtual Machine Java compiler is platform-independent: makes no assumptions about characteristics of underlying hardware JVM required to run Java byte code Works as a wrapper around a real machines architecture– so the JVM itself is extremely platform dependent
How it works Java compiler translates source code into JBC JVM acts as interpreter - translates specific byte codes into machine instructions specific to the harbor platform its running on Acts like giant switch/case structure: each bytecode instruction triggers jump to a specific block of code that implements the instruction in the architectures native machine language
Characteristics of JVM and JBC Stack-based language & machine Instructions consist of one-byte opcode followed by 0 or more operands 4 registers
Characteristics of JVM and JBC All memory references based on register offsets - neither pointers nor absolute addresses are used No general-purpose registers –means more memory fetches, detrimental to performance –tradeoff is high degree of portability