The Political Machine
I. Political Machine A.Organized group that controlled the activities of a political party in the city B.Offered services to voters or businesses in exchange for political support C.Seized control of city govt. offered services. the govt. couldnt
II. 3 Components A.Immigrants B.City Bosses C.Politicians
III. Politicians A.Needed City Boss to persuade immigrants to vote for them to get elected B.In return, would pass legislation that City Boss advocated for
IV. City Bosses A.Most were 1 st or 2 nd generation immigrants B.Controlled city jobs and programs (similar to a mayor) –Could get people jobs this way C.Were crucial to help politicians get votes D.Represented Ethnic neighborhoods
V. Immigrants A.Loyal to bosses 1. City bosses = jobs, security & housing
VI. Seems OK until… A.election fraud, bribes and graft Grafttelling a worker to turn in a bill that was higher than the actual cost of material and labor Workers would then kickback a portion of their earning to the machine (Boss)
Political Machines List three ideas in each section AdvantagesDisadvantages
Gangs of New York Watch the following scene and describe how it relates to the Political Machine
Activity: draw a visual representation of a political machine –Be sure to include the 3 major parts Immigrants City Bosses Politicians –Describe each part and how it is related to the two other parts