Class Reptilia.


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Presentation transcript:

Class Reptilia

General Characteristics Bilateral Symmetry Scales Respiration with lungs Dioecious Internal fertilization

Ectothermic Cold Blooded Regulate body temp with external environment Amniotic eggs

Amniotic Egg – “a transferable pond”

The Incredible Edible Amniotic Egg! Allows for reproduction on dry land!! Protects embryo from dessication Amnion (nutritious fluid) keeps egg from drying out Contains a water and food supply for the developing embryo and can be laid on land. Must be fertilized internally, has a shell

Amniotic Egg Cont. Amnion : provides a watery environment for the embryo Yolk: contains the food for the embryo Allantois : connects the embryo to the yolk Chorion : allows oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to leave; gas exchange

Benefit of egg: Animals are no longer dependent on water to reproduce

Reptilia Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Reptilia Order…

3 Major Orders Order Testudines Order Squamata Order Crocodilia

Order Testudines Turtles – sidenecks and “hidden neck” 225 species Have bony shells called carapace that CANNOT be removed!!

Reproduction/aging Sexual maturity at 7-8 years Live 14+ years Galapagos tortoises can live to be 100

Turtles vs. Tortoises Tortoises are terrestrial Tortoises lack webbing between feet

Order Squamata Has 2 sub-orders Sub-order Sauria Sub-order Serpentes

Size: a few cm up to 3 meters long Sub-Order Sauria Lizards 3,300 species 2 Pairs of legs Size: a few cm up to 3 meters long

Only 2 venomous lizards worldwide Gila monster Mexican Beaded (Monitor?)

Sub-Order Serpentes Venomous snakes have a pit organ 2300 species Many produce venom 30 to 40,000 deaths per year >100 in the US Venomous snakes have a pit organ Pit Organ: Heat-sensitive organ on the head of snakes used to locate small endothermic prey

Can have 200+ vertebrae

Order Crocodilia Crocodiles 21 species Mostly unchanged in their 170 MY history 4 chambered heart Caiman

Prey swallowed whole May tear off pieces of too large prey by biting and rolling Provide extensive parental care (NEW!!!!)