Case 7
Basic clinical data 78-year-old Caucassian male Tumor of the right ureter and renal pelvis No evidence of metastatic disease or another primary tumor No hormonal dysbalance
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Common anoli Anolis carolinensis
Osteoclast-like giant cell tumor of renal pelvis Akhtar M, Aslam M, Lindstedt E, et al J Urol Pathol, 11, 1999:181-193
Modern Pathol 2005 Advance On-line Osteoclast-rich undifferentiated carcinomas of the urinary tract Baydar D, Amin MB, Epstein JI Modern Pathol 2005 Advance On-line
Pathological features No obvious malignant component within tumorous mass Probably favourable biological behavior Several similar cases were described but in connection with malignant urothelial component
Differential diagnostics Sarcomatoid RCC or TCC Primary osteosarcoma of the urinary bladder Variants of urothelial carcinoma with HCG pozitive elements, with giant multinuclear cells, etc.
Sarcomatoid TCC
Osteoclast-type giant cells within TCC
TCC with trophoblastic differentiation
Giant cell ca/undifferentiated carcinoma