UNIT 2: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES The focus of Unit 2 is on studying developments over a narrow timescale and in depth. The concepts and perspectives outlined in the specification can be used to identify key questions that can be asked during the teaching of the specified content. The extent of change in the control of Wales The reasons for the outbreak of civil war 1859-1861
UNIT 2: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES Each concept and perspective is not discrete but is suggested as a guide for organising teaching. In many cases the content and perspectives link together and can also overlap.
UNIT 2: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES The challenges facing the Weimar Republic 1918- 1923 are linked with The extent of change in foreign and economic policy 1924-1929 and also with The crisis of the Weimar Republic 1929-1933 the Acts of Union, 1536-1543 overlap with political change and legislation under Henry VIII
UNIT 2: CONTENT Each option in Unit 2 has a specified range of associated key issues and content. This forms the body of the historical knowledge that needs to be taught. It is essential that there is full coverage of the content as specified.
UNIT 2: SOURCES It has to be remembered that Unit 2 has to emphasis the analysis and evaluation of sources that are primary / contemporary [AO2] Candidates will be expected to use their knowledge of the history studied to enable them to refer to the historical context associated with the production of the sources in their responses. This is essential in answering Question 1.
RELATIONSHIP WITH ASSESSMENT UNIT 2 QUESTION 1: RELATIONSHIP WITH ASSESSMENT The sources used in Question 1 may come from anywhere in the content specified. The focus of the question must be unpredictable. Learners should evaluate the sources with regard to the specific key issue set in the question. With regard to evaluating the sources, learners should discuss issues such as: content authorship and audience tone and the language used context and circumstances
UNIT 2: INTERPRETATIONS The concepts and perspectives outlined in the specification also include a reference to discussion of different historical interpretations. The bottom of each column identifies: Historical interpretations of key issues from this period
UNIT 2: CONTENT AND INTERPRETATIONS This part of the content identifies specific areas of historical debate. Candidates need to be aware of the wider historical debate surrounding these identified issues and how different schools of thought have developed Specific knowledge and recall of particular historians and their careers is not required.
RELATIONSHIP WITH ASSESSMENT UNIT 2 QUESTION 2: RELATIONSHIP WITH ASSESSMENT The extracts used in Question 2 will be associated with one of the historical debates identified in the specification content. Learners are expected to be aware of a range of possible interpretations of these key issues made by historians. Learners are expected to be able to show how and why different interpretations of these issues have been formed. Learners should be able to give a judgement based on the validity of the interpretation given in the question.