Connecting Remotely Winter 2014
Topics IT Security on your personal PC What is VPN? Requirements for VPN Access Connecting with VPN Accessing File Shares Remote Desktop
IT Security on Your Personal PC Install operating system patches (Windows, Mac and Linux). After April 8, 2014 – Windows XP will no longer be patched by Microsoft and should not be used to connect to ISB. Must have an active antivirus subscription for Windows systems (trial Antivirus is not accepted) there are plenty of free AV available. Practice safe web browsing habits. Install updates for internet plugins like: Java, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Firefox when prompted. Use the Firefox plugin check page to check if your plugins are up to date:
Operating System Patches Personal computers must be patched before connecting to ISB resources, regardless of operating system. Windows Machines Turn on the Automatic Updates for Windows and install Microsoft updates when prompted by your computer. Macs Install Software Updates when prompted.
Paid Antivirus Norton Can be purchased from a variety of places including: ,, Office Depot, Best Buy, and Target. McAfee Available free from several Internet Service Providers, including Comcast. Can be purchased from many places including: ,, Office Depot, Best Buy, and Target. Sophos Available free for University of Washington Students and Faculty as a download from
Free Antivirus If needed – a free antivirus can be used. AVG - AVAST - Download the Home Edition; this is free for personal use. ANTIVIR - Microsoft Security Essentials
What is Spyware? Spyware is software that is maliciously installed on a computer with the intention of collecting information about a user and/or their computer. Spyware could potentially steal your bank account username and password or credit card number. Spyware can also interfere with the functioning of the computer, by installing additional software, redirecting to different websites, changing the home page, inhibiting the functioning of other programs and/or loss of Internet.
Internet Usage on VPN If you use ISB’s VPN to connect with internet sites from home you should be aware that ALL such activity is going through ISB's network and therefore exposes our systems to risks. So please disconnect from our VPN after conducting ISB business. We need all employees, collaborators, tenants and others who use our systems to comply with our policies for the safety and security of the Institute. This is a serious issue. We have no desire to monitor usage -- your complete cooperation is expected and will be appreciated.
What is VPN? Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the best way to access ISB‘s internal network from an off-site location. The VPN client creates an encrypted tunnel that allows your computer to access all of ISB´s internal network while keeping your data safe and secure. Once you login with the VPN client it's just like your off-site computer is at ISB. Web VPN and the VPN client are available for Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
Note: Site requires Java! Connecting with VPN There are two ways to connect to VPN. One way is by using the VPN web page. Open Firefox or Internet Explorer Visit Log in using your Windows Username/Password and click the Login button. Note: Site requires Java!
Web VPN Once you’ve logged into the web VPN page you’ll be able to access your home directory and group file shares.* *IT will demo how to use web VPN and the VPN client.
VPN Client The preferred method for connecting with VPN is to use the Cisco AnyConnect Client. Installing the Cisco AnyConnect Client requires administrative rights. To install the Cisco AnyConnect Client, first log into the web VPN page. Then click on AnyConnect on the left hand side of the web VPN page. Follow the installation defaults.
VPN Client cont. Launch the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client. Confirm that is listed. Click Connect. Type in your Windows Username/Password and click OK. There may be a slight delay the first time you connect.
Accessing File Shares After connecting with the VPN client, you can access file shares. Using the full path name for accessing file shares is recommended. Network share are on \\ or \\\ The method for accessing file shares is different for Windows and Mac computers. On the following slides I’ll briefly explain how to access file shares for Windows and Mac computers via VPN and then demonstrate how to accomplish this.
Accessing File Shares -Windows To access your shared folders in Windows, click on the (start button) and then click on . Type in the path for the share folder you are trying to access like \\ and press enter. Enter the following: In the User name box: isb\your username In the Password box: your windows password The shares on \\ will now be available.
Accessing File Shares -Mac After connecting with the VPN client, click on the Go menu from the Finder. Then click Connect to Server. In the Server Address box type the path to the server example: smb:// Click Connect. Use your Windows username/password when prompted. Select the volume (share) to mount. Click OK. The volume (share) will now be listed in the Finder under Shared.
Remote Desktop Remote Desktop allows you to log into ISB computers remotely. If offsite, you need to be connected via VPN. Email to request that remote desktop be enabled for your ISB account. IT will need to know the name of your computer. Remote Desktop works on both the Web VPN and the VPN Client. Remote Desktop is used to access Windows computers. A version of the Remote Desktop software can be downloaded from the Apple Apps Store for Mac computers. Information on how to use Remote Desktop is available on the IT Intranet page.
Further Information The IT portion of the Intranet has detailed instructions for using VPN, Google Apps, accessing file shares and using ISB’s wireless networks.