The Human Toolbox™ Lindy Wheeler
What is The Human Toolbox™️ 8-module Wellbeing Programme Neuroscience based Person-centred Promotes self-awareness, self-care and self-regulation Simple, visual and engaging Suitable for a whole school approach to mental, physical and emotional wellbeing Suitable for student, staff and parent groups
The Human Toolbox™️ Programme can be delivered by: Teachers Teaching/Classroom Assistants Pastoral staff School nurse School counsellor Youth workers Social workers Health professionals
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler We all have to learn how to deal with FEELINGS Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler Or we EXPLODE with rage and hurt others! Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler Or IMPLODE with anxiety and feel broken inside Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler Or we worry and overthink! Can anyone relate to this? Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler Sometimes we do both! Can anyone relate to this? Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler And sometimes we feel so stressed we can’t think at all! We start to feel wired.. Alert… anxious Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Strategies for EXPLODERS… Take more time to THINK before you REACT. Step back – BREATHE and give your THINKING brain time to work. It takes practice but you CAN do it. Tell others you NEED time to THINK. Don’t be rushed! Give yourself TIME for your THINKING brain to kick in. Don’t be rushed into things. It’s ok to say to people that you need time to THINK. Step out of difficult situations and BREATHE. Facilitator note: This is a good time to introduce diaphragmatic breathing. You will find instructions for this in the Resource and Worksheet Section. Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Strategies for IMPLODERS… You need to take more time to FEEL. Try to take some ACTION (ask for help!) OVERTHINKING is exhausting. Give yourself a break. SHARE your thoughts with others... it may give you some RESPITE. You don’t have to carry it all alone!! If you are an IMPLODER you need to get in touch with your FEELINGS. Rather than OVERTHINKING try to stay in the present moment. Focus on your senses. What are you seeing, smelling, tasting, touching and hearing? This is called Mindfulness. Mindfulness is another name for meditation and it simply means being in the moment, rather than thinking about the past or worrying about the future you give your brain a rest by just focusing on what’s happening RIGHT NOW! Facilitator: There are some simple Mindfulness exercises in the Resource section. Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler Breathing is brilliant ….. belly breathing will quickly calm you down paying attention to your breathing gives your brain a rest stops the flow of stress chemicals lowers heart rate and blood pressure Learning to do diaphragmatic (belly) breathing is essential to stress relief. (Do a demo here) Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler Exercise is excellent ….. creates endorphin, dopamine and seratonin keeps your body fit is good for your heart and lungs makes you feel and look GREAT You already know the power of exercise… you’re already keen runners so you’ve already experienced the endorphin rush. You also get a lovely boost of vitamin D which boosts your seratonin by being outdoors, and a hit of dopamine if you break your personal best! Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler Be outside in nature.. Walk or run in the fresh air Be among trees and flowers Walk barefoot on grass Try mindful walking Grow something… Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler
Practitioner Training If you have further questions or you would like to know more about practitioner training please don’t hesitate to contact me through my website at www. Lindy Wheeler, MBACP (Accred.) FRSA Copyright 2015 Lindy Wheeler