Singular and plural nouns Welcome to lesson 2 How many bees are there in beehive ?
Differentiate between singular and plural nouns You will learn Differentiate between singular and plural nouns
How many are there? a flower flowers Singular = 1 Plural = 2,3,4, 10 …..
Key words 2,3,4,.. One many flower Lots a a lot of Several Singular Plural 2,3,4,.. One many flower flowers Lots a a lot of Several
When do we use the singular and plural noun? The singular noun is used to tell about one thing The plural noun is used to tell about two or more things There is a book. There are four books.
Let’s have more examples How many people and thing are around you ? There is one teacher (singular) There are many students (plural) There is a board (singular) There are 25 computers (plural)
Now lets’ practice
Many _______ play in the play area. Boy boys
Many _______ play in the play area. Boy Boys
Let’ try something else Good job Let’ try something else
My sister works as a______ Nurse Nurses
My sister works as a______ Nurse Nurses
Let’ try something else Awesome !! Let’ try something else
The ________ bites are painful. mosquito Mosquitoes
The ________ bites are painful. Mosquito Mosquitoes
Let’ try something else Awesome !! Let’ try something else
There is a big ______ near the park. Trees Tree
There is a big ______ near the park. Trees Tree
Awesome !!