The Cat in the hat ate a very nasty rat. Identify each of the words in this sentence Verb Object of the preposition Noun. Adverb Preposition Subject Predicate Adjective
Def. A Noun is a word that names a person, place, thing or idea. Person: Sarah, Mom, Driver Place: School, Mall, Prison Thing: Dog, Cat, Pencil Idea: Pride, Fear, Dignity
Concrete Nouns Concrete Nouns name objects that occupy space or that can be recognized by any of the senses Examples: Desk, Computer, Twinkie
Abstract Nouns Abstract Nouns name ideas, qualities, or characteristics Examples: Clarity, Anger, Hope
Possessive Nouns Nouns can also show ownership. Singular Possessive shows one person or thing having ownership Example: The dog’s toys are lost in the yard. In this example only one dog has lost toys
Continued Plural Possessive Nouns show that more than one person or object has possession Example: The students’ tribute was touching. In this example more than one student has possession of an object
Common and Proper Nouns Common nouns name non-specific objects or people School, boy, tv. Proper nouns name specific examples of objects or people Gibson County High School, Joey, Sony
Collective Nouns Collective Nouns name groups and may be either singular or plural depending on reference of the whole or individual members Examples: Class, Team, Swarm, Group The faculty is staying after school for their meeting. In this example “faculty” is a single entity and therefore singular The cast were unable to decide on a name for the play. In this example each member has a different opinion; therefore, the noun “cast” is plural
Compound Nouns Simply put, a compound noun is a noun that is made of two or more words put together. Examples: Schoolhouse Step-Mother Overpower