This the Institution you and I, Love & Respect most !!! Fellow Thomian, This the Institution you and I, Love & Respect most !!! Click
“You’ll always remember; Wherever you may be, The school of your boyhood, The school by the sea. And you’ll always remember, The friendships fine & free, That you made at S.Thomas’; The school by the sea.” Click - The Rev. Canon Roy. H.B. Yin (5th Chaplain)
the most honourable name and "You belong to one of the best schools in the world, a school with splendid traditions and the most honourable name and I charge you to try and hand down those traditions and that name untarnished and unimpaired. … Click
Be proud of being Thomians and make the college proud of numbering you amongst its sons. Remember that what ever you do and where ever you go, your life and actions will reflect either credit or discredit on the College where you were and to which you owe so much….. Click
You have learned the best lessons in the world at STC You have learned the best lessons in the world at STC. I trust not only English and Classics and Mathematics but true manliness and truth, courage purity and all those things that make a man and a gentleman. Try never to forget them but be men and gentlemen always. Click - The Rev. W.A. Buck (7th Warden)
‘We pride ourselves in a College whose education is not merely confined to the classroom, but much more broadly in our religion. Our sport and our discipline. We are truly a plural society. It has been more than an education. ‘It is a preparation for life’. Click - Dr. David A. Ponniah (16th Warden)
“We have something in this school which is good and precious “We have something in this school which is good and precious. Guard it well, keep it bright. Never do anything that will bring shame to S. Thomas’.” - The Rev. Canon R.S. de Saram (10th Warden) Click
The THOMIAN SPIRIT will never die The THOMIAN SPIRIT will never die. It is the Spirit of Unity, Brotherhood, Fellowship, Love, Loyalty to the Truth, Purity and all those things which make Men & Gentlemen. It is that Spirit that keeps the College alive. And the Thomian Traditions may be remembered by as of us who dare to call ourselves Thomians. We must preserve that peculiar quality that makes us unique. Click Rev. M Bilimoria (In the epilogue of '75 Years at Mount')
“The real end of all education is not to sharpen the intellect or improve the mind alone, but to form the character of the future man to mould his habits, to fix his principles, to make him good as well wise.” - Rt. Rev James Chapman ( Founder of the College ) Click
“S. Thomas’ College is therefore much more than just a school “S. Thomas’ College is therefore much more than just a school. It is an institution rich in tradition, characterized by nearly one and a half centuries of hard work, dedication and achievement, all imbibed with the legendary Thomian Spirit…... Click
...A pioneering institution which has understood and nurtured the very best in youth; where mere boys went in and great men came out to be - ‘men and gentlemen always’ men who beat the odds with the legendary ‘Thomian grit’ and gentlemen who up held the motto of the school.” - Class of ’83 Click
May we contribute together to its glory.” “ The Interest of the College must give way to all other interest. When you help the College, please do not expect anything in return. We all owe the College something. The College does not owe anything to us. May we contribute together to its glory.” - Mr. W.M.N. de Alwis (15th Warden) Click
If necessary die for her.” “Live for S. Thomas’. Do anything for her whenever you are asked to do it; If necessary die for her.” - The Rev. W.A. Stone (8th Warden) Click
This presentation was compiled to strengthen the brotherhood among the young & old Thomians, who are scattered in different parts on Earth. The Truth, Purity and the vast knowledge of life, obtained from this great institution is undoubtedly impossible to value in monetary terms. I please request you to assist your loving school when ever it’s possible, for its future developments. Esto Perpetua ! End