Pulling in the same direction Choosing the road to success. And having the means to follow it.
Common challenges
Suboptimization of resources due to… …lack of big picture understanding …silo thinking and lack of teamwork …lack of financial understanding …uncertainty in decision-making …internal focus
Some signs and symptoms Struggle to meet customer demands Inventory is building up Declining market share Cash flow problems Unexpected competition Overcapacity
A solution
A micro-MBA Celemi Decision Base™ is a competitive one to three day business simulation in which teams are challenged to boost productivity and profitability through better teamwork and strategic decision-making.
Well-proven A well-proven business simulation run by leading companies and prominent business schools around the world since 1978.
In action
What people experience Engagement Cross-functional cooperation Serious fun
What people are up against A rapidly changing marketplace Fierce competition Tough and strategic decisions Fierce competition – teams competing for the same clients
What people take away Big picture view Cross-functional understanding Better decision-making skills
What it is about
The Celemi approach You can’t absorb other people’s knowledge… … you have to create your own!
The seminar in a nutshell Target groups Managers and leaders Time 1,5 to 2,5 days Materials Simulation board Coins and value carriers Learning guide Number of participants 4-6 teams, 12-24 participants in total Facilitation Trainers certified by Celemi Computer based trainer support
The flow of the seminar Back to your own real world Potential areas for improvement? What could be done to tap into them? Your business reality What are you up against? Key issues? Opening Setting the scene The business simulation Six teams manage their own capital-intensive companies and compete for the same customers Debriefs to discuss business themes and capture lessons learned
Welcome to your new company! The simulation Welcome to your new company! You will be replacing the outgoing management. Get the full picture of running a business. In good times… and in bad.
The challenges – year by year Take over the company Learn how to run the business. Year 1 Battle for positions Using resources where they will do the most good. Focus on efficiency and productivity. Years 5-7 Grow with scarce resources Choosing the road to success. And having the means to follow it. Years 2-4 Improve profitability The owners have higher expectations on short-term results. Years 8-11
Cross-functional cooperation Corporate Intelligence Marketing & sales Purchasing & production Finance & accounting
Run a business in good times – and bad… Analyze Strategize Execute Navigate for success Market shifts, threats and opportunities Decision making and financial planning From strategic decisions to operational actions Manage cash flow Test your leadership skills Cooperate across functions Discover business drivers Adapt to changes Master the competition Create long term value
Typical decisions Pursue all markets… or just a few? Borrow money… or earn it first? Take the lead… or be an early follower? Invest now… or later?
Key business concepts Market share Pricing strategy Innovation strategy Product life cycle Competitive forces Topline vs. bottom-line Growth strategy Shareholder value Cross-border collaboration Team and role dynamics Planning and execution: strategic vs. operational dilemmas Decision-making
Key financial concepts Profit and Loss statement Gross margin/contribution EBIT, EBITDA Net profit Capital expense Operating expense Depreciation Balance sheet Solvency Debt management Asset management Working capital Cash flow statement Operating cash flow Investment cash flow Financing cash flow KPIs ROA Return on Assets ROE Return on Equity ROS Return on Sales ROCE Return on Capital Employed DSO Days Sales outstanding DIO Days inventory outstanding Debt-Equity Owners’ perspective EVA Shareholder value Budgeting Forecasting
Who wins? We determine this together with you, based on your objectives. Examples The most profitable company (accumulated net profit) The company with the highest potential future profit, based on technological advancement and market position A mix of the above, balancing current and past performance with future opportunities
Take aways
Participants practice their ability to… Analyze Strategize Execute Navigate for success …strengthening these capabilities… Strategic thinking Investment planning Business acumen Financial planning Decision making Market analysis Problem solving
Back to reality
Bringing back experiences from the simulation …
… into your own company
Who is it for?
Who is it for? Managers, leaders, high-potentials and other key co-workers desiring to enhance their skills at business strategy, analytical thinking, decision making, and financial acumen.
What clients say
What clients say “Our sales people gained a newfound appreciation for what our customers experience in their jobs and developed a greater ability to talk the customer’s language.” “People from manufacturing, sales and marketing became sensitive to each other’s needs and understand how the operation works.” Sales Manager, Oracle ”It’s good material for developing increased understanding of financial terms and interactions in the business environment.” Manager, Sales & marketing learning programs, 3M Participant, HP (Hewlett Packard)
What participants say 85% 93% 99% 99.3% 100% 50% 0% Estimate that it would have taken weeks or longer to learn what they learnt in the seminar if traditional teaching had been the method used 93% Judge the Celemi simulations very good or outstanding 99% Regard the Celemi materials to be of high or very high quality 99.3% Recommend the seminar to others Source: 25 000 participant evaluations of Celemi business simulations.
Some Celemi Decision Base™ clients
Some Celemi Decision Base™ clients
Try it out!
Celemi open seminar /or pilot seminar with client/ [Insert relevant information about the opportunity to participate in the simulation…]
CELEMI Profit Simulator™ What would happen if…?