Michele Korf and Arthur R. Smith, facilitators


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Presentation transcript:

Michele Korf and Arthur R. Smith, facilitators CRPA: Looking Back & Ahead A workshop for researchers and media outreach partners. Part I: October 27, 2015, 12 noon -2 pm (EDT) Part II: October 29, 2015, 12 noon – 1:30 pm (EDT) An activity of NSF grant # 1519282: NSF’S CRPA Program: Collecting, Sharing and Building from Successful Practices Michele Korf and Arthur R. Smith, facilitators

Introductions & Agenda Introduce Facilitators Goal of the project Day 1 Activities Research to date recap Working through the mini-case studies Thinking about phases Homework assignment Michele Korf Arthur Smith

Looking Back: Research Recap Research phases & activities Key points from interviews Headlines from survey Questions

Mini-Case Studies Case 1: Watching the Earth Move Texts at: https://crpaworkshop.wordpress.com/ Case 1: Watching the Earth Move Case 2: Snakes Eat Anything! Case 3: Seas and Stories

Case 1: Watching the Earth Move Anatomy of a CRPA Case 1: Watching the Earth Move What did you notice about this case? Please write one item in the chat window.

Anatomy of a CRPA Please write one item in the chat window. Case 2: Snakes Eat Anything! What additional point did you notice about this case? Please write one item in the chat window.

Please write one item in the chat window. Anatomy of a CRPA \ Case 3: Seas and Stories What additional point did you notice about this case? Please write one item in the chat window.

Lenses/considerations for these cases. What are lenses we can use to examine a CRPA? Research Area Shelf-life Relationship of CRPA to Research Area Aggregation Partners Audience Extensions (e.g., curriculum elements) Format Distribution Other extensions Evaluation Promotion/Marketing

Discussion and Synthesis Other lenses/considerations? How did the projects unfold? What is essential?

Phases of a CRPA 1: Pre-Grant 2: Grant 3: Post-Grant In the poll window, please indicate which phase on your project was the most active.

Expected effort by phase of a CRPA

Phases of a CRPA Preparation Proposal Audience Research Defining the Project Activity Conceptualizing the Evaluation and Distribution Bringing the Team Together Grant Period Executing the grant Team engaged Field Testing and Refining (formative eval) Distribution Summative Evaluation Grant/Post Grant Additional Impact Determination and Work Archiving Aggregation Reformat, reuse and redistribute (multi-use) Capture learnings for next activity

Recommended effort by phase of a CRPA

Phases of a CRPA What happens? Who does it? Preparation Proposal Audience Research Defining the Project Activity Conceptualizing the Evaluation and Distribution Bringing the Team Together Grant Period Executing the grant Team engaged Field Testing and Refining (formative eval) Distribution Summative Evaluation Grant/Post Grant Additional Impact Determination and Work Archiving Aggregation Reformat, reuse and redistribute (multi-use) Capture learnings for next activity Project Staff PI, Co-PI Lab Staff Grad Students Affiliated faculty/staff at institution Educational outreach specialist Media/Museum Staff Media Producer Exhibit Producer Associated Staff Evaluation Staff Evaluator Statistician Partners University Public Media Entity Science Center/Museum

Products Dissemination Grant Evaluation Results Aggregation New Opportunities

Your Turn: Homework Assignment Download the lists of considerations, phases, and teams from the workshop web site, crpaworkshop.wordpress.com In whatever mode you prefer, meet with your media/outreach partner, using these lists as prompts for thinking, make a snapshot of your current or completed project. On the SurveyMonkey website, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/workshop_homework post answers to these prompts: The key strength of our CRPA project was… One thing we would do differently if we were undertaking it now would be… What practical tools would be helpful? What broad categories of public understanding of science do you see your project fitting into?

Michele Korf and Arthur R. Smith, facilitators CRPA: Looking Back & Ahead A workshop for researchers and media outreach partners. Part I: October 27, 2015, 12 noon -2 pm (EDT) Part II: October 29, 2015, 12 noon – 1:30 pm (EDT) Michele Korf and Arthur R. Smith, facilitators An activity of NSF grant # 1519282: NSF’S CRPA Program: Collecting, Sharing and Building from Successful Practices

Today’s Agenda Homework: reports and epiphanies Looking ahead: Partnerships Practical Tools/Checklists Frameworks Documentation, collective impact Aggregation, archiving, and reuse What's next for this project Final comments and reflections

Everybody Needs a Mantra How can we best inform, influence, and inspire, about science?

Homework PIs and media partners make a snapshot of current or completed project. Post an answer to these prompts: The key strength of our CRPA project was… One thing we would do differently if we were undertaking it now is… What practical tools would be helpful? What broad categories of public understanding of science do you see your project fitting into?

Homework recap and discussion The key strength of our CRPA project was… One thing we would do differently if we were undertaking it now is… What practical tools would be helpful? What broad categories of public understanding of science do you see your project fitting into? Homework recap and discussion

MKA Synthesis Staying true to the science Aggregation Tools and resources (new and existing) Innovative products (e.g, going beyond docs) Community Audience Partnerships Planning Evaluation

Individual Project Level: What Practical Tools Are Needed? Research Area Evaluation Relationship of CRPA to Research Area Aggregation Extensions (e.g., curriculum elements) Partners Audience Other extensions Format Promotion/Marketing Distribution Shelf-life

Potential Tools: Concept Phase Mission & audience statement Sample timeline and budget for a video project Sample timeline and budget for a museum exhibit Sample timeline and budget for an outreach event. Sample project specification Deliverables for a subcontract Evaluation plan Partnership agreement Archiving plan Marketing plan Social media plan Curriculum model with standards links Focus Group/other audience research Rights articulation

Potential Tools: Production Phase Media production and partnership handbook Production and post-production checklist Team roles and responsibility (by format) Web development plan/ancillary materials Producing for multiple audiences/multiple user experiences

Potential Tools: Distribution Phase Archiving plan Metadata record format Rights agreements/Terms of use Distribution agreements

Potential Tools: Sample Deliverables (inc. links) Documentary formats Website Curriculum Promotional Materials Evaluation Surveys, Memos and Reports Agreements/Distribution Plans/Terms etc.

Program Level Considerations Community/Partnerships Audience Shelf life Marketing/Distribution Evaluation What we have done? How to tap/leverage that? What resources are available now? Needed? What could be done in the future?

Community/Partnerships What we have done? How to tap/leverage that? What resources are available now? Needed? What could be done in the future?

Audience What we have done? How to tap/leverage that? What resources are available now? Needed? What could be done in the future?

Shelf-Life Aggregation What we have done? How to tap/leverage that? What resources are available now? Needed? What could be done in the future?

Shelf-Life/Aggregation, examples

Marketing and Distribution What we have done? How to tap/leverage that? What resources are available now? Needed? What could be done in the future?

Evaluation What we have done? How to tap/leverage that? What resources are available now? Needed? What could be done in the future?

What’s next? For MKA: Final report sharing out. Are there ways we can share this more broadly? For Projects: We hope that this stimulated ideas for working now and in the future. What are you taking away today? For NSF: Are there ways NSF can help and recommendations you would make? What are key themes?

How can we best inform, influence, and inspire, about science? Summing Up How can we best inform, influence, and inspire, about science?

Staying in Touch Michele Korf, michelekorf@mkorf.com Arthur R. Smith, arthursmith@mkorf.com www.mkorf.com