SynergySoft™ Distributed Meeting Scheduler Interim Progress Report Yasaman Haghpanah Ravindra Rudraraju Sowjanya Sakruti Jim Whitaker
3 Areas of Effort Redux Advance Preparation Phase II Requirements Extensions and improvements to our initial deliverable Advance Preparation Startup activities and background gathering Phase II Requirements New/changed requirements
Redux Add enhancements to use case diagram to handle exceptions, Update operational senario to include exceptional situations, Improve activity diagrams including SADT concepts, and Rework dependency diagrams with FRs as ovals and NFRs as clouds.
Advanced Preparation Focus has been on implementation Investigate use of .jsp scripts for implementation, Locate code sources & code examples, especially calendar week layout, Investigate methods for scheduling and conflict resolution, and Continue with competitive market analysis to see other functions and implementations.
Phase II Requirements Continue use of IEEE document format, Extend our current process specification, Add UML and SoftGoal interdependency graphs (RML/Telos concepts), Continue to track issues and resolutions, and Implement functional prototype.