Shufang Su • U. of Arizona SuperWIMP Dark matter in SUSY with a Gravitino LSP Shufang Su • U. of Arizona J. Feng, F. Takayama, S. Su hep-ph/0404198, 0404231
Why gravitino not considered as CDM usually? - thG v-1 (gravitional coupling)-2 (comparig to WIMP of weak coupling strength) v too small thG too big, overclose the Universe ~ However, gravitino can get relic density by other means SuperWIMP S. Su SWIMP
WIMP SWIMP + SM particle - FRT hep-ph/0302215, 0306024 WIMP 104 s t 108 s SWIMP SM Gravitino LSP LKK graviton 106 S. Su SWIMP
Outline SWIMP dark matter and gravitino LSP Constraints - SWIMP dark matter and gravitino LSP Constraints Late time energy injection and BBN NLSP gravitino +SM particle slepton, sneutrino, neutralino - approach I: fix SWIMP=0.23 - approach II: SWIMP=(mSWIMP/mNLSP) thNLSP Collider phenomenology Conclusion S. Su SWIMP
SWIMP and SUSY WIMP SWIMP: G (LSP) WIMP: NLSP mG » mNLSP ~ SUSY case - SWIMP: G (LSP) WIMP: NLSP mG » mNLSP ~ SUSY case ~ Ellis et. al., hep-ph/0312262; Wang and Yang, hep-ph/0405186. 104 s t 108 s NLSP G + SM particles ~ neutralino/chargino NLSP slepton/sneutrino NLSP BBN EM had Brhad O(0.01) Brhad O(10-3) S. Su SWIMP
Constraints ~ NLSP G + SM particles Dark matter density G · 0.23 - ~ NLSP G + SM particles /10-10 = 6.1 0.4 Fields, Sarkar, PDG (2002) Dark matter density G · 0.23 ~ CMB photon energy distribution || · 9 £ 10-5 Fixsen et. al., astro-ph/9605054 Hagiwara et. al., PDG Big bang nucleosynthesis Late time EM/had injection could change the BBN prediction of light elements abundances S. Su SWIMP
BBN constraints on EM/had injection - Decay lifetime NLSP EM/had energy release EM,had=EM,had BrEM,had YNLSP Cyburt, Ellis, Fields and Olive, PRD 67, 103521 (2003) EM EM (GeV) » mNLSP-mG Kawasaki, Kohri and Moroi, astro-ph/0402490 had had (GeV) EM S. Su SWIMP
YNLSP: approach I approach I: fix G = 0.23 ~ slepton and sneutrino - approach I: fix G = 0.23 ~ slepton and sneutrino 200 GeV · m · 400 » 1500 GeV mG ¸ 200 GeV ~ m · 80 » 300 GeV apply CMB and BBN constraints on (NLSP, EM/had ) viable parameter space NLSP, EM,had=EM,had BEM,had YNLSP S. Su SWIMP
Approach II: right-handed slepton G = (mG/mNLSP) thNLSP ~ S. Su SWIMP
Approach II: sneutrino - G = (mG/mNLSP) thNLSP ~ S. Su SWIMP
Distinguish from stau NLSP and gravitino LSP in GMSB Collider Phenomenology - SWIMP Dark Matter no signals in direct / indirect dark matter searches SUSY NLSP: rich collider phenomenology NLSP in SWIMP: long lifetime stable inside the detector Charged slepton highly ionizing track, almost background free Distinguish from stau NLSP and gravitino LSP in GMSB GMSB: gravitino m » keV warm not cold DM collider searches: other sparticle (mass) (GMSB) ¿ (SWIMP): distinguish experimentally Feng, Murayama and Smith, in preparation. S. Su SWIMP
Sneutrino and neutralino NLSP - sneutrino and neutralino NLSP missing energy signal: energetic jets/leptons + missing energy Is the lightest SM superpartner sneutrino or neutralino? angular distribution of events (LC) vs. Does it decay into gravitino or not? sneutrino case: most likely gravitino is LSP neutralino case: most likely neutralino LSP direct/indirect dark matter search positive detection disfavor gravitino LSP precision determination of SUSY parameter: th, ~ ~ , 0.23 favor gravitino LSP ~ S. Su SWIMP
Conclusions SuperWIMP is possible candidate for dark matter - SuperWIMP is possible candidate for dark matter SUSY models SWIMP: gravitino LSP WIMP: slepton/sneutrino/neutralino Constraints from BBN: EM injection and hadronic injection need updated studies of BBN constraints on hadronic/EM injection Favored mass region Approach I: fix G=0.23 Approach II: G = (mG/mNLSP) thNLSP Rich collider phenomenology (no direct/indirect DM signal) charged slepton: highly ionizing track distinguish from GMSB sneutrino/neutralino: missing energy stable or not? ~ ~ ~ S. Su SWIMP
SM energy distribution Decay life time Mpl SM energy distribution mG SUSY breaking scale SM NLSP ~ G SM NLSP ~ SM NLSP ~ G ~ G NLSP SM SM NLSP ~ G ~ G S. Su SWIMP