Looking back, looking forward Licensing Partner Annual Event ‘06
Agenda Who from Microsoft is in the room? Looking back on H1 FY06/07 Project Refresh Why? What have we done? Key Findings The Perfect LAR Find your Value Proposition Building Capabilities & Performing New approach to Compliancy
Whose who in the sales zoo? Regional Bus Desk - Jonathon Downs; Mike Parker Licensing Marketing – Thomas Kablau Licensing Communications - Ainslie McNamara Channel Training – Tony Parzakonis Channel Hotline - Anthony Kola Public Sector LS – Laura McMenamin; David Triston-Rattay Commercial LS – Bob Williams; Craig Martyn Mid Market LS – Katie Mortimer; Shalini Anand Partner Licensing Executives – Julanne Saltiel; Mal Fraser Microsoft Financing – Katrina Braund; Trevor Hudson; Steve Kerr
Whose who in the operations zoo?
What’s happened on the number front…
Vertical & Segment Revenue Performance YTD November 2006
License Type Revenue Performance YTD November 2006
License Type Revenue Performance YTD November 2006
Project Refresh
Why refresh the LAR channel? Customer Satisfaction Lack of measurement (what gets measured gets done) Capabilities & Performance Better understand value proposition Drive technology Better engagement Planning = Growth
What have we been doing? Interviews Information gathering Interviews with Internal Microsoft Stakeholders: e.g. Licensing, Sales (Enterprise, Public Sector, Mid Market), LCA, Finance, Operations, Strategy, Partnering Meetings (either in person or by teleconference) with each LAR/ESA KPMG Internal discussion and research Lots of Customer interviews Information gathering Financial Analysis Forecast process analysis Document review Other Microsoft initiatives Numerous interviews (across a diverse range of stakeholders), review of key documents, analysis of processes and data and workshops to refine the LAR/ESA value proposition
Key findings Interviews highlighted problems around inconsistent sales engagement, Microsoft’s understanding of the LAR/ESA value proposition and the level of support they receive
The perfect LAR Solution Focus Partner Services Deployment Proactive (Sales) engagement during life cycle Solution Focus Partner Services Deployment Software Asset Management LAR/ESA Partner model around the management of the licensing lifecycle is changing – LAR/ESAs need to extend their capability to maintain their value proposition Value proposition of LAR/ESA Licensing is a part of the solution
Find your value proposition
What gets measured gets done!
Enterprise Compliance Systematic Engagement with customers
License review at Microsoft – time for change
Thank you
Thank You Microsoft provides this material solely for informational and marketing purposes. Customers should refer to their agreements for a full understanding of their rights and obligations under Microsoft’s Volume Licensing programs. Microsoft software is licensed, not sold. The value and benefit gained through use of Microsoft software and services may vary by customer. Customers with questions about differences between this material and the agreements should contact their reseller or Microsoft account manager. © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.