Task on harmonization WFD Annex V 1.3.6 Standards for monitoring of quality elements Methods used for the monitoring of type parameters shall conform to the international standards listed below or such other national or international standards which will ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality and comparability WG 2A ECOSTAT - 15-17 October 2003
Task on harmonization In the context of Intercalibration, a common issue raised by lake and rivers experts was the lack of comparability of national assessment systems due to incompatibilities at sampling and analytical levels with strong recommendation from these networks of experts in the sense of harmonization of these methodologies
Task on harmonization In the last workshop of the WFD CIS Intercalibration Working Group (2.5.), March 2003 at JRC Ispra, it was decided to initiate a task on Harmonization We now intent to start this task team for reviewing existing biological methods (lakes and rivers) and evaluation for the needs of harmonisation
Task on harmonization The team will be coordinated by Guido Premazzi and myself (JRC/ EEWAI) There are now 3 members in the task team: Fabrice martinet (FR) Maria Luisa Serrano (ES) Marina Carstens (DE) ANYBODY ELSE? Participation of a CEN expert STAR?
Task on harmonization Overview of the biological methods currently in use in the different countries for monitoring the ecological quality of their inland waters To identify the gaps and needs for harmonisation (link to CEN) The coastal expert group has already carried out such an overview that can be used as model in the planning of this task
Task on harmonization More specifically the task activities should comprise: Compilation of the existing methods Methods in process of harmonisation Identification of gaps where harmonisation is needed
Task on harmonization To start: mid November 2003, time by which there should be a detailed plan of the task Draft presented to the WG 2A in March Final work presented to WG 2A in Autumn 2004