Portfolio Multimedia Broadcast
What is a portfolio
Portfolio If you decide to pursue Multimedia Broadcast or a related field for you career, you are going to need a portfolio A collection of your works and experiences
Portfolio There are several way ways to create a portfolio Host a website that you build Build a website with a template-based hosting company Create a video channel on one of the popular video hosting websites Create a playable file, disc or stream
Portfolio What should your portfolio contain? Your name Your experience Your best work Geared towards the position for which you are applying (reporting, directing, sports, etc.) A great opening or first page to catch attention
Portfolio What your portfolio should not contain? All of your work Long stand-ups Copyrighted material Errors
PSA Portfolio project
PSA Portfolio PSA Project So far you should have created a number of different types of projects related to this field Now you will create an additional project to add to your portfolio
PSA PSA or Public Service Announcement Public Television stations routinely create PSAs free of charge as a service to the community they serve They help make the community aware of an event or cause They bring attention to a social issue that affects a group or groups of people Watch the JEA News Literacy PSA that was created at the National Convention in Boston in 2013
PSA Research PSA topics online Create a list of the top 5 topics that interest you upon first glance Meet with a PSA partner, discuss the list that each of you created Narrow your list down to your top 3 after the discussion with your partner Write a 30-second script for each of your first 3 topics
PSA Pitch your top 3 PSA topics to a small group of 3 to 4 students Discuss the pros and cons of each topic and the challenges that could arise in each script Decide on a length of 30 or 60 seconds Create your PSA
Portfolio Once you have finished creating your PSA, begin sketching a plan for your PSA What platform will you use? What projects will you use? What will be your opener/ opening page? How will viewers navigate through your portfolio? Compare your sketch with a partner, what are your missing, or what do you have too much of?
Portfolio When your portfolio is finished, present it to the class as if you were presenting it to an employer