Common Clouds and what they look like. This will be the opening picture, this is a good visual reference for the students because it lists the clouds names shows their appearances and the average altitude for each cloud. Before I bring the picture in, I have a learning moment to see if the students know any of the cloud names already! 2nd week changes (fly in picture)
Cumulus Clouds There are three types of cumulus clouds: humilis are wider than they are tall mediocris are as wide as they are tall congestus are taller than they are wide Cumulus clouds have three different types and I will explain these different types of cumulus clouds and let them take notes. 2nd week changes (text box used) Can “grow” on sunny days
Cumulonimbus Clouds Form best under these conditions: • Lots of warm and moist air • Increasing winds make the cloud slant forward. • The atmosphere around the cloud needs to be “unstable” These clouds usually bring heavy storms and will have lightning with them. Thunderstorms on the way!
Stratus Clouds Stratus clouds are formed when large air masses cool, also known as fog or mist. Stratus clouds are also the lowest forming clouds. Light rain most likely These clouds are more commonly known as fog or mist instead of clouds, these clouds are very low because they have lots of precipitation and form when its cool therefore sinking to the ground.
Stratocumulus Clouds Stratocumulus clouds are textured and puffy. Stratocumulus clouds usually form from cumulus or stratus clouds. Snow is possible These clouds form on blue skied days up high and are usually moving pretty fast.
Altocumulus Clouds Altocumulus clouds are very high in the sky, so they are usually above the influence of thermals. The usual precipitation is light rain. ! This type makes really cloudy skies! Altocumulus clouds are very high up in the atmosphere so they aren't influenced by thermals, this is why they only create light rain.
Altostratus Clouds Altostratus Clouds altitude is between 6,500 and 23,000 ft But since they are up so high they are the reason for pretty sunsets. These clouds are very high up in the sky and cause pretty sunsets because of the light bouncing off of them, they do not create precipitation.
Nimbostratus Clouds Usually thick and wet, with lots of precipitation that is steady and slow. Formed from altostratus clouds when they collect water. More commonly known as the “rain” cloud, these clouds bring heavy storms and have a slow rainfall, this cloud can also make snow or sleet.
Cirrus Clouds Cirrus clouds are the highest of all clouds and made of ice crystals. Cirrus clouds have no visible precipitation. These wispy clouds form on bright sunny days and are usually seen quickly through the sky. These clouds do not create precipitation.
Cirrocumulus Clouds Another cloud mostly made of ice crystals. Lots of large cirrocumulus clouds may indicate bad weather. Formed in the troposphere in high winds. Very similar to the cirrus cloud, but the only difference is this cloud does produce precipitation and lots of it, it you see lots of these clouds together you will know you are going to have bad weather soon. 2nd week changes arrow for emphasis and text box Indicates lots of precipitation on the way!
Cirrostratus Clouds Cirrostratus clouds are usually difficult to spot. Cirrostratus clouds produce a variety of optical effects. Exactly like the cirrus cloud but are not easily spotted, and when they are spotted they produce optical effects. These clouds do not produce precipitation.
Review Lets watch this short video to review the cloud types! Play
Name Appearance Conditions Facts Altocumulus Blue-gray, blanket-like Rain or snow likely Made of ice and water at middle heights Cirrus Wispy ice clouds Seen in clear skies Mean good weather, but can mean a change in weather Stratocumulus Dark, heavy water-droplet clouds Seen at low or lower-middle heights Cumulonimbus Giant thunderhead clouds Thunderstorms with heavy rain Hail, wind and lightening are on the way This is the chart I talked about in my action plan, in this chart students will fill out the name of the cloud, the appearance of the cloud, the conditions the clouds best form in, and a few facts about the cloud that they found interesting. (2nd week changes-present filled in and then students will be given a blank chart. Answers may vary in facts column) Stratus Flat, low clouds Overcast skies Light rain, drizzle, or flurries likely Cumulus Fluffy, lower clouds Fair weather Clouds can grow. If growing late in day, indicates change in weather
Label Me! Answers: left to right, top to bottom – cirrostratus, cirrus, cirrocumulus, altostratus, altocumulus, cumulonimbus, stratocumulus, stratus, nimbostratus, cumulus, fog 2nd week addition altocumulus, altostratus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus, cirrus, cumulonimbus, cumulus, fog, nimbostratus, stratus, stratocumulus
Answer worksheet