Line Drawing Self-Portrait Using only lines to create a “cartoon” style
What is Line? Line is a mark Line is one of the Elements of Art
Line Drawing Self-Portrait To make a drawing look more like a cartoon, rather than realistic, skip the value, and just use lines. Which drawing looks more like a cartoon?
Line Drawing Self-Portrait Step 1: Grid photograph and drawing paper This will get our proportions as correct as possible and eliminate the need to erase and re-draw. Our photographs and our drawing paper are 8.5” x 11” *SCALE FACTOR of 1*
Line Drawing Self-Portrait Our rules are one inch wide. Use the edge of your ruler as a guide to make a line. First, line your ruler up with the edge of your paper and draw a line against the opposite edge of your ruler. Line the ruler up against the first line, to guide your next line, and so forth. Make sure your lines are straight and parallel!
Line Drawing Self-Portrait Use your ruler to draw parallel vertical and horizontal lines that will fill your papers. Each line will be one inch apart.
Line Drawing Self-Portrait Lay your photograph over your drawing paper. Your grid lines should match up.
Line Drawing Self-Portrait Step 2: Draw major outlines and boundary lines for larger areas of value. If it helps you to number each row and column on your photo and drawing paper, DO IT! Your pencil lines need to be as light as possible. 4 4 2 2
Line Drawing Self-Portrait
Line Drawing Self-Portrait Erase all of the grid lines that are inside of your face, hair, and body. The only grid lines you may leave, are the ones in the background if you want to use them for your design. Fill the negative space with anything that you want. This is your opportunity to make your own artistic choices.