How performance management spread like WHYldfire (wild●fire)
Agenda Introductions Historical Timeline It started with Why The Journey Exercise #1 Exercise #2 The Implementation Questions
We want your participation! Poll Everywhere instructions.
Let’s Get Started….
Chief starts with poll question: How many have you read Simon Sinek “Starts with why?” book? Then, he launches into his why and importance, may want to reference the Fire Wire bulletin he wrote up.
The Dream Team City Manager Fire Chief Division Fire Chief Human Resources Performance Management Expert (Marnie Green) I’ll create a org flow to show how important each of the key stakeholders were important.
The Journey
Engage Local 1689 One of the first things that happened was to meet w/ Local 1689 to discuss concerns and addresses them as follows: Under FBOR employees generally have the right to review employment records and information relevant to performance evaluation. The City's new system is intended to facilitate employee access to performance evaluation information and in that way, Halogen is very FBOR friendly. Expectations will be made clear at the start of the evaluation period. The system generates a final year end performance evaluation, and it is this document that will serve as the official performance evaluation document that goes in the employee's file in HR and becomes a permanent record. Formal discipline (letter of reprimand and above) is always subject to FBOR and will be addressed outside the system. Although we do not anticipate it happening often, it It is possible that disciplinary actions will rely upon information contained in the system, just as discipline now could rely on information from informal notes, email and record keeping. That said, the system does not have a direct disciplinary function, does not issue or track discipline and is intended to facilitate positive conversations and outcomes.
Exercise Please break up into groups (per row)and discuss and identify at least 3 things you (as an employee and/or supervisor) want from the performance evaluation. Provide 5 minutes for them to identify three things as a row. Then, we’ll go around and write the items on a flip chart to show where there’s duplication, etc.
Exercise Please break up into groups (per row)and discuss and identify at least 3 things you (as an employee and/or supervisor) do NOT want this performance evaluation to be. Then, go into exercise #2. Provide 5 minutes to talk and discuss. Then, write on flipcharts the responses.
DH to discuss the matrix that Fire created as part of the journey.
The Design
Halogen DH to log-into the system and show everyone in real-tiem.
Fast forward 9 months… Chief and Diane to discuss the positive impacts since implementation. The conversations, less disciplines? How you will be looking to create metrics for performance evaluation. How many evaluations have been completed since implementation (100+).
Questions? Maxine to discuss the design of the performance evaluation from beginning concept and the reflect the final outcome.