How Did the Universe Begin?
Background Info There are many theories about how the Earth system originated. Some are based on scientific fact others are based on religion, and folklore
An Idea Edwin Hubble was an American astronomer who studied galaxies Two significant findings Confirmed that there are many galaxies other than the Milky Way (the galaxy we live in) Galaxies are moving away from each other
The Big Bang Theory The leading scientific theory for the origin of the Universe.
Building a Universe - infinitely dense point - all matter and energy contained in one point called a singularity Einstein’s theory of relativity predicts this “smaller than a proton” time=0 state
Big Bang Theory of the Universe About 13.7 Billion years ago the singularity began to expand 2. This matter cooled and began to quickly move apart
The Big Bang Theory 3. hydrogen and helium were the first atoms to form. After 1 million years the gases began to gather together.
The Big Bang Theory 5. After 300 million years: Gases clumped into clouds Clouds clumped together to form stars and galaxies
The Big Bang Theory Video 1
Formation of our solar system
The Solar Nebula The nebular theory - Solar System formed out of a nebula which collapsed under its own gravity. solar nebula – name given to a cosmic cloud of gas from which our own Solar System formed
A huge rotating cloud of dust and gases (Nebula) begins to contract
Gravity forces most material to the center, producing the sun. Some dust and gas remain orbiting the central body
The planets begin to form from the material that is orbiting
What is the estimated age of the universe? Were stars and galaxies formed immediately after the Big Bang? Explain. How is the formation of a star linked to the formation of the solar system