Restoration methodologies


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Presentation transcript:

Restoration methodologies AGREED PROBLEMS: Modification ecohydrological functions Restoration methodologies Lack of knowledge on ecological processes minerotrophic mires WETLAND WORKSHOP

WETLAND WORKSHOP DETAILED PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Ecohydrological approach at catchment level Lack of scientific knowledge (also related to defining FCS) Buffer zone management (in catchment area)  stakeholder management Fragmentation of mires Lack of information on cost effectiveness of restoration measures Role of climate change not always clear (carbon sink or carbon source) (how can peatland management contribute to CC adaptation?) WETLAND WORKSHOP

WETLAND WORKSHOP AGREED SOLUTIONS Develop strategies and apply management planning Restoration hydrological regime and natural nutrient balance Start dialogue and develop instruments regarding buffer zone management Scientific knowledge (1°/ understanding the processes 2°/applying this knowledge by collecting site specific data – always case specific) Site specific approach; adaptive management to reach the FCS of habitat types; Collect and disseminate information on cost-effectiveness of measures Right communication with the public (cross-cutting) Peatland conservation as part of robust strategies to deal with Climate Change (working with nature) WETLAND WORKSHOP

WETLAND WORKSHOP AGREED SOLUTIONS Learning from existing experiences and develop; be careful with trial and error; evidence based approach, i.e. monitoring Availability of large scale data, high spatial resolution maps on hydrological data  is critical for conservation planning (now only fragmentary data), and for delineating catchment areas; also necessary for WFD; both is needed  you always need proper local data too More cooperation with scientific institutions on restoration ecology; research should be better linked to conservation management (in relation to FCS) However monitoring requires longer time periods and often a lack of funding (eg no budget after LIFE+ projects); WETLAND WORKSHOP