Today’s Goals Select topics for the class debate Begin planning for the class debate
Previous successful debate topics Euthanasia Free college Standardized Testing Prisoner Rehab Education reform Teachers bearing arms Death penalty for juveniles Citizenship for babies Influences of Video games Polygamy Random drug testing in schools Single Sex schools Driving age raised Nuclear energy Sexual assault on campus Homeopathic medicine GMOS Capital Punishment Minimum Wage Government regulation of cigarettes Exploration – Underwater and space Alternative energy sources Pay for college athletes NSA Invasion of privacy Standardized testing/IQ testing Right to bear arms/gun control Animals in captivity/zoos Tablets vs. textbooks in schools Effects of social media Cost of college Animal testing
Your Proposed Topics Effects of social media Cross dressing schools Death penalty for juveniles Animals in zoos Nuclear energy/nuclear waste Animal testing/animal welfare Right to bear arms Euthanasia Cost of college Death penalty Tablets vs. textbooks
Group Activity- Debate Topics In groups of 2-5 people Select the three topics you would be most interested in discussing in the class debate Send one of your group members to write these three topics on the board Note: You do not have to turn in a sheet of paper for this assignment
Group activity- debate planning In your new debate groups Spend a few minutes to begin planning your strategies for the coming debate and answer the questions below What is a topic or speaking point that each group member could use? Which rhetorical appeal might be dominant for that speaking point? What research could be used to backup each of the above points? Will your group be using a set order or flexible order? If a flexible order, how will you decide the order during the debate? (You will have very little time for this) Will you appoint a group leader? If so, who? If not, how will you make decisions during the debate?
Homework Continue working on debate preparations Rhetorical Analysis – Draft 1 500+ words Due Monday 1-29 Printed and brought to class Should include your whole introduction and several body paragraphs