SAATHII Proposal 2008 For Asha CNJ
HIV/AIDS Status 2.5 – 3.1 million affected in India Andhra Pradesh affect highly Children affected expected to rise
About SAATHII Solidarity And Action Against The HIV/AIDS Infection in India Started in year 2000 Helps other organizations Training and technical assistance, information dissemination, research, networking and advocacy
About APFCC Program Andhra Pradesh Family Care Continuum Program Started by SAATHII in 2007 Closing the gaps of the state run Pediatric Care for HIV/AIDS 40000 kids with HIV/AIDS in Andhra Pradesh Works with 9 NGO partners
Funding status of APFCC
Summary of Funding Request Sl Item Amount One time/ Annual 1 Education Support for 135 children 4860 2 Nutrition Support for 492 children 10977 Total request from ASHA-NJ 15837
Details of funding request Sl. Item Unit details Unit Cost Annual (in US $) 1. Assistance for Education for 135 Children infected and affected with HIV/AIDS Tuition fees, Uniform, School bag, Text books, Note books, foot wears (one time assistance for a year) 36 4860 Subtotal for Education Support 2. Nutrition packets to 114 HIV infected AIDS Children 1.5 $ x 3.5 kgs of nutrition packets /month 5.25 $ 7182 3. Nutrition packets to 378 HIV infected (non-AIDS) Children 1.5 $ x 1.5 kgs of nutrition packets/month 2.25 $ 10206 Subtotal for Nutrition Support 17388 SAATHII’s contribution for Nutrition from other funding 6411 Request from ASHA NJ for Nutrition Support (17388-6411 US $) 10977