Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow RadioAstron update Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow EVN CBD, Madrid 7 November 2012
K-band fringe search: long story coming to an end 6 experiments since December 2011, only one sort of OK List of issues: bad weather, rare technical problems on the ground (sub-reflectors, etc.), rare technical problems in Space (a command did not go through) or mistakes in Space (a command forgotten). Got the fringe as soon as things went OK but still one telescope on the ground failed, another experienced phase stability issue. Dual-band approach!
K-band C-band: SRT-WSRT K-band: SRT-Effelsberg Quasar 2013+370, 0.25 Earth diameter, 1 min fringe solution time C-band: SRT-WSRT K-band: SRT-Effelsberg SNR SNR
K-band: coherence time analysis Quasar 2013+370, 0.25 Earth diameter slope: 0.5
First imaging of an AGN: 0716+714, z=0.3 Detected up to 6.5 ED. Correlated in Moscow and Bonn. Apparent jet base width: 0.3 parsec (70 μas). Brightness temperature: 2·1012 K (but low activity state).
correlated flux density: circular Gaussian core model 0716+714: RadioAstron-EVN correlated flux density: circular Gaussian core model
correlated flux density: elliptical Gaussian core model 0716+714: RadioAstron-EVN correlated flux density: elliptical Gaussian core model
RadioAstron related news, plans and updates RadioAstron-EVN: Successful C-band AGN imaging. Done. First AGN K-band imaging (observed last week) Plan (applied) for first polarization SVLBI imaging at L-band for Session 1, 2013. Two pulsar GP experiments. The first one successful but wait for results from the second one. No RadioAstron-EVN maser experiment yet due to unlucky visibility constrains, plan for Session 2, 2013. An active work has started to organize the second tracking station in Green Bank. A contract is expected to be signed very soon. Will improve the orbit determination and enhance the mission overall scheduling efficiency. Orbit and PRIDE Orbit reconstruction accuracy has improved significantly since September 2012: many more laser ranging measurements, improved (x3) accuracy of distance and speed measurements by control stations. But higher demand on accuracy coming from regular K-band observing which has started recently. Better understanding of PRIDE contribution from the March experiment but need to get new experience within the current improved conditions while observing at and correlating K-band. Hopefully, the Session 3, 2012, data will allow for this analysis. RadioAstron International Science Council: re-organized, met f2f in June 2012. Turned out to be very useful for the mission. Thanks!
RadioAstron science observations Open call for proposals: AO-1 (July 2013 – June 2014) A transition to the open sky phase has started. The ASC has announced an open call for key science program (KSP) proposals. Letter of Intent was to be submitted by 17 October 2012. KSP consortia organization workshop will be hosted by MPIfR-Bonn on 3-4 December 2012. Full KSP proposals are expected by 1 February 2013. To be reviewed by the RadioAstron PEC (chair: Phil Edwards). KSP observations will start from July 2013. LoI statistics: 31 Letters submitted for 4.5 thousand hours – about 4 times larger than our estimate of available observing time during the AO-1 period. 160 co-authors from 18 countries, about 50 of them plan to participate in the consortia organization workshop in December. The highest number of authors are from Russia (34) being followed by Australia, Germany, and USA (about 20 each). Science areas covered by the LoIs include active galactic nuclei (the highest number of Letters), masers, pulsars, interstellar medium, transients, astrometry, gravity, and cosmology.
RadioAstron – EVN demand High demand for RadioAstron-EVN out of session observations within RadioAstron AO-1 and beyond by teams which like to perform imaging. Positive aspect – can be planned very well in advance (1/2-1 year). Would be great if EVN could comment on that soon – so that this could be discussed with the community during the Bonn meeting in December. Roughly predicting (max): one imaging session requiring a ground array every nine days excluding June-August. To be decided / specified by users in their proposals by February 1, 2013. PRIDE support also requires EVN out of session resources. Would be interested in a correlation support from JIVE. But first need to get SFXC RadioAstron-capable. Many thanks go to Bonn for their participation in correlating RadioAstron data. Would be interested to work with phased EVN. Ready for tests when EVN feels ready.
Thank you June 10, 2005 April 11, 2005 NASA GSFC Arecibo Observatory Library Colloquium
0716+714: images with different restoring beam
Current AGN fringe detection record OJ287, 7.2 Earth diameters, 1 min integration time, SRT-Effelsberg (also BL Lac) Core brightness temperature estimates: ≥ 1013 K. Survey continues…