Summary of GDWG breakout session and Actions 2018 Masaya Takahashi Peter Miu CMA, CNES, EUMETSAT, ISRO, IMD, JMA, KMA, NASA, NIST, NOAA, ROSHYDROMET, USGS, WMO
Presentation Overview GDWG Members Attendance Notable Meeting Highlights Discussions Summary Executive Panel Matters GDWG Work Plan & Future
Contribution to GDWG Session 5 ~ 10 attendees CMA EUMETSAT JMA KMA NOAA
Notable Meeting Highlights 18 GDWG Items were discussed 20 Actions Generated 33 (of 46) past actions were closed 3 EP related matters to be discussed ToR updates GDWG Fact Sheet Instrument Event Logging Way forward on some key GDWG tasks.
Discussions Summary GSICS Website / Collaboration Servers Structure Good shape Reduced minimum contents GSICS WMO Website is a reference Collaboration Servers CMA & EUMETSAT replication ISRO THREDDS to the GSICS Collaboration Server Report of GSICS Products implementation plan ICVS-like System Consensus of importance of passive (RSS) and active (email) notification function in case of unexpected events
Discussions Summary (2) GSICS Product Plotting Tool Requirements Requirements Document looks OK from DM point of view Use of GitHub for sharing each agency’s experience GSICS Wiki migration WMO GSICS Portal would also move to the new place Communication w/ WMO on future GSICS websites GDWG Future Visiting data management experts exchange
Discussions Summary (3) SRF format conversion software => GitHub Sharing L1 reference data (e.g. subsets of PICS, SNO) among GSICS agencies Proposal/Requirements from CMA SNO prediction tools, format-conversion/creating-subset software for GSICS
Executive Panel Matters Updates of GDWG ToR Minor refinement on expected skills to be proposed to GSICS-EP GDWG Fact Sheet Feedbacks from GDWG members to be reported to GSICS-EP for approval Event Logging CGMS request for implementation, response prepared
GDWG WP 2017/2018 Synchronisation of GSICS Collaboration Servers GitHub Plotting Tool SRF format converter NetCDF format (metadata) checker Action Tracker Improvement of usability Integration of GSICS-EP (and CGMS-GSICS) actions
GDWG Web Meeting ISRO THREDDS – Apr / May 2018 Progress Meeting – Late June / Early July 2018
GDWG Future GDWG provides guidance and information on GSICS Data Management requirements Participating Agencies are expected to provide the resources needed to implement these requirements to support the GSICS collaboration effort.
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