NE SARE Grart Writing Workshop 1/15/2019 Northeast SARE Outcome Funding and Grant Writing Workshop Tom Morris & Janet McAllister Delaware State University May 25, 2011
NE SARE Grart Writing Workshop 1/15/2019 Northeast SARE’S Application Process
Preproposal Information - 2012 NE SARE Grart Writing Workshop 1/15/2019 Preproposal Information - 2012 A clear, concise overview of your project On-line application is due Aug 1, 2011 About 1/3 invited by early Sept for full proposal Reviewers provide feedback on preproposals Full proposals due Nov 1, 2011 Final decision March
Preproposal key review criteria Target fits SARE outcome statement and is specific, measurable, meaningful Strong justification of the need Project is ambitious for the funds requested Approach is clear, logical, feasible Audience and cooperators suit the project SARE is the appropriate source of funds