Figure 3 Bone marrow lesions in osteoarthritis Figure 3 | Bone marrow lesions in osteoarthritis. The image shows the knee of a patient with osteoarthritis (OA) scanned using fat suppressed T2-weighted, fast spin echo (STIR) MRI and indicates the location of bone marrow lesions (white arrow). Lesion features and the relationship between bone marrow lesions and other aspects of OA pathology are listed. MRI image courtesy of Douglas M. Mintz, Hospital for Special Surgery, Department of Radiology, New York, New York, USA. MRI image courtesy of Douglas M. Mintz, Hospital for Special Surgery, Department of Radiology, New York, New York, USA. Goldring, S. R. & Goldring, M. B. (2016) Changes in the osteochondral unit during osteoarthritis: structure, function and cartilage–bone crosstalk Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2016.148