Primera Actividad 9.20.18 Escribe en español: 1. The teacher is near the blackboard. 2. You are well. 3. The waste basket is beside the desk. 4. the windows are far from the door.
¿Cómo conjugas el verbo Estar? Estoy Estamos Estáis Estás Está Están
How you feel and where you are is when you use the verb ESTAR Cuando usa Estar? How you feel and where you are is when you use the verb ESTAR
Encima de Debajo de Al lado de Al lado de Delante de Detrás
Presentaciones For this presentation, you will design a drawing of a classroom to present to your classmates. (It can be your Spanish classroom or you can create your own dream classroom). (You must design the picture. It can NOT be a photo). Your picture must be in color. (The more creative, the better!) You MUST use and draw at least 12 of the classroom items listed on the chapter 2 vocab. You must label the items in your classroom (in Spanish). You will need to write eight complete sentences to state where things are located in your room. (The sentences must be written NEATLY or typed on the back of your picture.) For the sentences, you may use any of the vocabulary previously learned. You must use different location phrases and the correct form of ‘estar’ in each of your sentences. Please make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct and also agree with your drawing. Ex. La mochila azul está al lado de la ventana. You will be able to read your sentences.
Practica las presentaciones con su grupo Practica las presentaciones con su grupo. Presta atención a su gramática y su pronunciación
Las presentaciones