Lord-Art Lomarda, LoveYourself, Inc. Effectiveness of Community-led Sex-Positive Campaign on HIV Testing for Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in Metro Manila, Philippines: TestMNL
Background Philippines Predominantly Catholic Country (81%) Sex-Negative Culture Stigma & Fear Campaigns
What We Did Used Sex-Positive Campaign Creative & Key Messages (Suck, F*#k, Test, Repeat)
What We Did Partnered with 8 MSM-friendly Clinics
What We Did Developed Campaign Products and Website
What We Did Used Online Platforms to Drive HIV Prevention Efforts
What We Did Offline Events and Outreach
Results 18,369 individuals tested for HIV 7,026 YMSM (18-24 y.o.) tested 1,343 YMSM Reactive to HIV 46,910 individuals learned about HIV testing in Metro Manila 79,934+ views on campaign videos Partner clinics reported an average increase in HIV testing of 62.05% compared to previous months the year before
Conclusions Not only YMSM in Metro Manila has a thirst for sex-positivity Need for more community-led sex-positive campaigns Scale up of the program is needed to provide more opportunity to develop new campaign messages that address key barriers to HIV continuum of care.