“Promoting the interests of Dispensing Doctors and the excellence of doctor dispensing for the benefit of patients”
Agenda Reimbursement Dispensing fee EPS FMD NHS supplies Act 2017 CQC DSQS Shortages Rural practice challenging times Securing the future
Reimbursement Unfinished business Seen NHS Employers Want a system where right prescription for the patient is the right one for the NHS and the practice Remove perverse incentives Working with PSNC and GPC 3
Dispensing fee 2018 Still on the same formulae No inflationary uplift Staff numbers defined Pay cap removed Fall in October Should increase in April
EPS It is continuing to be rolled out Pharmacies will be signing up patients Cost is an issue DDA working with NHS Digital/NHS England. Looking to pilot EPS4 There is a potential solution for dispensing doctors 6
EPS Workload, should decrease if properly implemented, but if not will increase Risk re loss of scripts Pharmacy 2 U Amps Greenlife and ECHO PSUK solution
FMD To be implemented by February 2019 Plans still vague Could have large workload implications 70 suppliers signed up to provide IT and kit Do not buy anything yet
NHS Supplies Allows to ask net price paid for anything Those with wholesaler dealers licence effected Hybrids should be ok
CQC New Inspection Focused safety Controlled drugs ? Electronic Cold chain Signing scripts SOPs Uncollected medication
DSQS Timing re payment No part payment Audit needs to be clinical New timetable for submissions
Shortages Ongoing No solution Prices very fluid this month
Rural practice Challenging times GP shortage Workload increase Solutions urban centric Poor IT Less cross subsidy from dispensing as profits falling
Challenges ICS There is a GP contract within but it will not allow dispensing
Securing the future Need NHS and politicians to understand Look after what you have New systems will be more expensive Once lost very difficult to replace Dispensing is a key to survival Need rural as well as urban solutions
“Promoting the interests of Dispensing Doctors and the excellence of doctor dispensing for the benefit of patients”