Dr. Edward L. Wagner, Pastor Cornerstone Baptist Church The Deacon Ministry in the Black Church Dr. Edward L. Wagner, Pastor Cornerstone Baptist Church pastorwag@aol.com 254-690-411
THE DEACON SERVE/ATTEND THREE TABLES The Lord’s Table The Benevolence Table The Pastor’s Table
deacon qualifications listed in 1 timothy 3:8-13 Demonstrate growth toward mature faith (v. 9) Demonstrate Christian family life. (v.12) Demonstrate personal and public morality. (v 8) Demonstrate a life accepted by God and the Church. (v. 10 & 13)
Today’s deacon need: A clear sense of the presence of The Holy Spirit. The strength and power of God’s reconciling presence.
The lord’s table Things to discuss to bring clarity: What the Lord’s Supper is all about. The frequency of the Lord’s Supper. “Worthy” versus “Worthily”. The sin problem.
The benevolence table The deacon family ministry. Things we do not do.
The pastor’s table Ensuring that the pastor is properly compensated. Knowing your role and relationship with the pastor. Pulpit Devotion. Baptismal classes. Rededication classes.
Deacon Ministry Versus Deacon Boards