8.26 Multiple Associate Degrees AGC March 13, 2018
Team Members Lakisha Beck, Valerie Butterfield, Kevin Dobreff, Ann Isackson, Sheila Jones, Matt Novakoski, Renae Boss Potts
Presentation Outline Existing Policy Statement Feedback from February Presentation Number of Students Who Have Earned Multiple Associate Degrees Student Scenario – Two Pathways A.A. degrees Recommended Updates to Policy Statement Request for Additional Feedback and 4th Presentation/Vote
Feedback from February Presentation Question/Comment Team’s Response What harm is there in a student earning a second degree? What are the benefits of students earning more than one A.A.?; See Student Scenario and Recommended Updates to Policy Statement; Need additional feedback How are we considering different programs in the same discipline as well as articulated programs? See examples from current Catalog: 120, 180, 797, 798, 935 and Recommended Updates to Policy Statement Clarify that students can earn multiple A.A.A.S. degrees. Implied in Policy Statement; Recommend that this be addressed in Procedures
Feedback from February Presentation Question/Comment Team’s Response Consider providing options for students to earn more than one Pathway and/or Pre-Major A.A. degree; use 15 credit differential to determine additional courses for second degree. What are the benefits of students earning more than one A.A.?; See Student Scenario and Recommended Updates to Policy Statement; Need additional feedback Do we have any data on how many students receive or attempt multiple degrees? See next slide (Note: this data reflects students who have earned multiple degrees under our current policy statement)
Number of Students Who Have Earned Multiple Associate Degrees There have been 132 students that have earned multiple associate degrees since Fall 2015 (the full policy implementation date). Please note: this number does not include certificates or MTA.
Student Scenario – Two Pathways A.A. degrees Both degrees below require 30 credits of General Education that meet MTA requirements. Pathway Degree with Humanities, English, Language, and Communication Studies Concentration, A.A. Requires 1 courses (3 credits) Priority I Elective Options Pathway Degree with Business Concentration, A.A. Requires 5 courses (17 credits) BA103 (4 credits) BA256 (4 credits) BA270 (3 credits) BA283 (3 credits) BA207 (3 credits) Thus, a student can complete the course requirements for both programs before reaching the 60 required credits for an associate degree.
Recommended Updates to Policy Statement Recommended Name Change: Multiple Degrees Policy Recommended Updates The College recognizes that there are instances where students may require additional degrees and certificates for employment or for personal growth and satisfaction. This policy applies to any Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) student who has received a degree from GRCC. Students may be awarded a second additional associate degrees subject to the following stipulations:
Recommended Updates to Policy Statement Students may only earn one transfer degree. 15 credits completed over the minimum credits required for the first degree earned. (A.) The Associate of General Studies degree may not be earned as an additional degree.
Recommended Updates to Policy Statement (B.) No additional associate degree will be granted in programs that require the same Program Courses. same curriculum in which the first degree was earned. Students may earn more than one certificate.
Multiple Associate Degrees (8.26) Request for Additional Feedback and 4th AGC Presentation/Vote Please submit feedback to Sheila Jones, sheilajones@grcc.edu or x4289, by March 23rd