Improvements to SAR models


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Presentation transcript:

Improvements to SAR models Dr Øyvind Breivik Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Improved wind and currents Winds Higher resolution – 4 km near rugged coastlines and in fjords, bays and estuaries to resolve topographic effects Currents Higher resolution – 1 km for fjords, bays and estuaries HF currents and the STPS

300 m resolution ocean model

Errors and uncertainties Assessing the relative importance of uncertainties in wind, currents and drift properties Ensemble winds (ECMWF 51) Random flight – autocorrelated wind and current perturbations

Alternative strategies Currents switched off for very high resolution simulations? Inverse leeway for backtracking from debris

Improved taxonomy Redo older leeway categories with new field methods Refine the taxonomy for different parts of the world – in close collaboration with RCCs