Template for Creating a Simulation
Instructions Please use the following to share the flows for your desired mLevel simulations or scenarios. The Mission Overview Slide is for inputting information about your overall mission. Each Activity (Simulation or Scenario) that you would like to have in the mission should start with an Activity Overview Slide followed by the appropriate number of Activity Step Slides. To add a new slide, select the drop down next to New Slide and then select the appropriately titled slide from the list to add the desired slide. Please create a new PowerPoint for each new Mission. A mission can contain multiple topics and be about a topic or a set of topics. For example, Billing Inquiry Billing Adjustment Mission contains several activities, each containing a different type of scenario or transaction but all housed in one Mission.
Note: You can have an activity that is a Video or another activity type besides a hotspot image. Just call that out on this slide if desired.